So someone put the baby mannequins in sex positions
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Eville...gotta love it!
Southern Indiana 812 kicks ass !!
it should say 734 @american apparel. u of m kids - stupid.
Representin Southern Indiana....the pinnacle of debauchery...
That's amazing. Had to be Old Navy!!
hilarious... i'm going to hell
AHAHAHA. I did that all the time at the thrift store!
I've done this at Macys whadduppp
Bhahaha... this is my area code. Yess..
Ugh americans are sick
this is one of the few things I love about my area code.
The same thing happened at my last Halloween party...This isn't from my party is it?
i really hope you're a lifeguard or work in retail. otherwise... someone is a genius.
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