I sat in traffic 4 five hours once waiting for the car infront of me to move before I realized
A. The cat was parked
B. My car was parked
C. I was in a driveway
D. It wasn't mine
E. I was naked
Not that I have a problem with smoking and driving, but I'm glad to see that not only were you smoking and driving, but also texting and driving...while high. lol
To those of you saying, "This is why bud is illegal", has it occurred to you that someone in this situation cannot kill or hurt anybody if their car is STOPPED? Stoned drivers, if anything, tend to drive slower than normal and are more careful because they're paranoid about cops.
so ive def done that wayy to many time. and i sit at green lights waiting for them to turn green also, sad thing is.. i stopped smoking about a year ago.
hmm, this is why weed is illegal? but alcohol is not? the diff between a stoned man and a drunk man is the drunk runs red lights and the stoned man stops at green ones.
been there, done that
i also tried to drive home tripping and my friend came up to my car and said "sweetpea, i have your keys in my hand, you've been going "VROOOOOOOOOM" for about 45 minutes
Once I was stopped at a red light and went when the light behind me turned green in the rearview mirror. Didn't realize what happened until I saw my light i just went through was still red in the mirror. Dumb high luck.
I can beat that. I sat at a Stop sign for 20 minutes not knowing what direction my friends house was. In a neighborhood I grew up in. I need to stop smoking that shit. LoL
whats up with these fuckers saying we're going to kill someone, WE ARE THE ONES STOPPED AT THE LIGHT. If anything you sober fucks will be sending in texts and hit someone else and well see it because we were STOPPED A THE LIGHT...also, people do this kind of shit sober. so fuck off pot haters
THIS IS DEFINITELY ONE OF THE BEST POSTS EVER!!! totally been there and was driving thinking i was in a different state and freaked out then realized where i was....then did it again...smoke god's gift...its the shit!!!!!!!
All I can say is I've never gotten into a wreck stoned, never gotten into a fight stoned, or pretty much anything else...I heart u bud...fuck u 420 haters
true story i once sat at a blinking red light for 15 minutes waiting for it to turn green, until a car behind me decided to beep... yeah i could have gone like a thousand times...
that just made me crack up in my mind...cause i smoke it too. and frankly, i am too lazy to even lol. see i can't even type lol. ah....i am soooooooo........i give up.
Never sat at a stop sign but I did sit through 3 stop light cycles because I couldn't figure out if I was in the turn lane or not and I didn't want to "chance it". I knew I wasn't the only one!
My friend was baked and driving and he was going like 5mph, but the entire duration of the drive, he was staring at the staring at the steering wheel, and moving his head back and forth, going "WHOA!!!! SLOWDOWN!!!"
Done that shit.. Thought the sign would turn green and say "Go"... I've also stopped for a rabbit to cross the road. When it didn't move, I checked it. It was a dead squirrel. =/
Can someone start a site like this for stoner stories? I bet it'd do well. Though I'm sure I can't think of the catchiest title.... like 'thatsgoodshit - TGS' or something..
i thought i was the only person that did that...my friends all make fun of me when i tell them that...its good to kno that im not the only one that gets that baked...lol..
dude, i've done that at least ten times...and you know what? at least i'm not drunk and blasting through the stop sign with reckless disregard. high and driving since 2005
there is this one stop sign by my house and I don't know why but every time I stop at it I stay there for about a minute until I realize that I'm a dumbass... and I'm sober
I've stopped at one of those flashing yellows, thinking it was going to turn red (I was cruzin to slow to go thru the yellow) and then wondered why there were cars passing me. When I looked up I realized that it was never going to turn red. That shit was good.
I've done that before...and a little worse...that same night I also stopped for a red light that was a few hundred feet down the road...on a busy street.
Jesus Christ, you fucking morons, STAY OFF THE ROAD WHEN YOU'RE HIGH! It's not going to be funny when you kill someone because YOUR dumbass couldn't stay at home.
And, yes, THIS is why drugs are illegal, because people are stupid.
ive done it, but i had a friend beat me.
she almost ran the stop sign, she stopped, they fell asleep woke up at the stop sign 3 hours later with the car still in drive.
anyone can beat that one, id love to hear it
Dude totally been there. Was waiting one night and my destination McD's was a block away. I was getting pissed that the sign wouldn't change. I felt like an ass afterwards.
or stopping at a green light because in my mind I thought that I was "thinking" the green light was for the perpendicular traffic, not for me.. but then I realized I was actually seening the green, and slowly...cautiously......sped the fuck away.
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