lets grab drinks (in a friendly, not super awkward because ive eaten your ass kind of way) sometime soon
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Well if it wasn't awkward before, it's awkward now.
Whoops! Wrong number!
It worked out well last time right?
Just remember never go ass to mouth
Tossing salad is where it's at!
Christ. Eating ass. Real classy.
Fuck yes Suffolk County! Gotta love Long Island!
I have such mixed feelings on ass licking. Like between two people in a commited relationship, Im pretty much ok with it. But just casual no big deal salad tossing bothers me.
I would think after that they are both in the same zone and anything should be good now.
Suffolk county. Eatin ass since 66
as weird as it sounds. it feels good. if the girl wants to do it to me im not gonna be like 'hey stop that!' squares.
Wow, that wasn't awkward, or anything
There is nothing wrong with licking ass as long as it's clean
@MrWatts82 - Does that make it any worse than if it's a conversation between a guy and a girl? Either way, it's still an ass. Don't be a douche.
Eating ass? Nasty. You're doing wrong.
I love people like fckoffprincess who come to this site and just moralfag like if it's not your idea of fun fuck off princess
maybe they are Greek
Eating ass?!?!? DELICIOUS!!!
Has anyone else stopped to think that this could be a conversation between two dudes? Yuck!!
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