Have you ever straight up just taken a bite out of a block of cheese? Because it's amazing.
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Just don't go eat anyone out afterwards, pretty sure that leads to a yeast infection. Nasty shit.
You should move to Wisco. It's where you belong. :)
Wotcher, Grommit? Let's have some CHEESE!
I am in love with you. Let's fly to the moon a-la Wallace and Grommit.
Ah, the power of cheese...
Yeah I have
string cheese...4th greatest invention ever!!
Up here in Wisconsin we do!
I now want to go ape shit all over some cheddar...
Yes. Yes it is.
Been doing that for years. It's rare to find a block of cheese in the house without teeth marks
If you're also (510): Cloyne Court?
Now I want some head.
Duh how else do you eat it?
ewww... american cheese should not be called cheese.
who said anything about american cheese dumbass? but yeah, you're totally right.
most of the (510)s ive read are really bad, and ive gotten dissapointed with my area code, but this one is actually pretty funny :)
Often. I do this almost on the daily. Or at least a nibble.
Cheesetaster near ohlone? I sure hope so
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