I made my boyfriend turnaround because I was certain someone left a crystal pepper mill on the side of the road. Yea...turns out it was a liter bottle without a label that had been run over...but in my defense, it did shimmer.
And people say that pot heads aren't safe on the roads. If your kid looks anything like a kid, or sometimes even nothing at all like a kid, they are safe on high roads. LOL
LOL I love it...back in high school i was driving stoned with my girl and it was raining, and all of these leaves were being swept around on the curb all up and down the road, and we thought that there were thousands of frogs hopping around in the rain...
I once saw a ninja turtle slipper turned upside down on the road and turned around and then attempted to save the perceived turtle... Until I found that it was in fact a slipper. And I was stone cold sober...
About a month ago I was ripped and thought that I almost hit a 2 foot tall version of the Notre Dame mascot.. and nothing was there. Miiiiight have been laced.
I remember walking home high and stopping at a stopsign waiting for it to turn green. I eventually just sat down and waited for like 10 minuts until I realized it wasn't going to turn green and I didn't need to stop anyway.
Driving high isn't that dangerous, from my experience you drive slower! And apparently look out for "animals". I love this TFLN it's in my favorites now! Lmao!!!
I was driving so baked with my friends when I stopped at a railroad crossing. They were all yelling "what are you doing, why did you stop? Keep going!" My response: "um, that's dangerous! The arms are down and the lights are blinking!!!" But ya... there was no train after all.
Hahahaha I drive a LOT safer when I'm high .... usually I drive fast with the music blasting, but when I'm high, I don't like super loud music, and drive a LOT slower .... to the point of stopping like, 50 feet in front of a red light lmfao !
If we had hedgehogs in Louisiana I'd prolly woulda done that a few times. I swerved a walmart bag n almost wrecked while high. Idk wut I thought it was though.
hahahaha, you know its posts like these that make me wana start smoking again. i stopped cause the last time i smoked dank shit i put my dick on my best friends girl friends face hahaha. crazy shit will happen
Bahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. You'd be a blast to get baked with.
Lol, did that with a chip bag and a bike.. Tried breaking, instead flew over my handle bars landed folded in half with the bike on top of me.. Wearing a bathing suit top and shorts...
i once thought the lights were playing eluvium or sleepboy...idk something with strings. they were sooooo beautiful, until i tripped over my own foot and fell face down
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....i laughed for days...in fact i am still laughing.
also, i loved the reoccuring love convo with traffic cones and the convo with a squirrel
hah i fucking love driving high on the way to school. it feels like a video game cuz i gotta get there on time. and like i always think everyone in the car will blow up if we run outta time.
i need to stopp.. hah nawh!
Something similar happened to me on my boat, I was trying to dock and thought I saw a bunch of fish so I stopped and tried to back up not realizing I was on a lake
" Now see this is a lie because if you were really high you wouldn't remember this
August 6, 2009 3:20AM"
i don't know what the fuck you've been smoking, but i remember everything when i smoke, and so does everyone that i have ever smoked with.
one time my friend tried to start a fight with a ball when she was blazed because it hit her in the leg and she thought it was starting a fight so she started poking at it and yelling at it and she was by herself which I think is even worse.
and the shit she smokes is usally laced.
ok, if you are having a convo with inanimate objects, then you need to switch weed dealers. it's been laced with something. unless you just can't handle your herb. however, if you're tripping balls then maybe i can understand it. even then though, maybe you just can't handle your shit.
I seriously LMFAO every time I go to this site. Best. Site. Ever. I have stopped and waited at a stop sign before too. Damn I felt like an ass hole. This one had me laughing for days.
Just so everyone is aware...the first time you try smoking weed you won't feel anything. You have to do it a couple times before you can get sufficiently high.
I was driving high one night and slowed down becuase I swear there was a cat slowly walking across the road...but It was only a plastic bag when I got closer to it
i thought i saw bugs bunny running beside me driving through a parking lot, just happened to hit a speed bump at the same time and thought i ran him over!
Yay for 919! Glad to see Im not the only one driving high on those roads. I do stop at stop signs waiting for them to turn green all the time... and I sometimes think trash bags on 55 are going to turn into deer and fuck up my SUV.
I hadn't slept in 48 hours and was high and I saw lights hitting the water on the road and stopped yo let a pair of potted plants with running shoes on cross the road
My hands-down favorite TFLN! I just wish sometimes that I didn't have Facebook set up to deliver their updates... it's kinda hard to explain it to your coworkers when you're sitting in your cubicle and all the sudden start busting up laughing. ;}
To the comment 2 above,yeah me and some friends waited for 15min in Philly for that damn stop sign to turn green.Then we said screw it and ran it.And the mario cart comment made me piss myself,thank you kindly for THAT.
I woke up the other morning grabbed my keys walked to my front door and hit the unlock button on my car pad waiting for my house door to open,that was a gooooood night.
I've done that, but mine was a shadow that looked like a bicyclist, at 10:30 at night, so I slammed on my brakes in the middle of the road.. People were only a little pissed! Lol
Seriously funny, but seriously sad! This kind of crap is what causes accidents. You slam on your brakes for a flippin pine cone and the person behind you slams into you. If you can't see DON'T DRIVE!
that just made my life. hahahahaha
i have waited for stop signs to turn green. they take for-FUCKING-ever.
hahahah i'm still laughing.
a pinecone... hahahahaha
This just confirms my husband's belief that when you drive high you have a much grander awareness of 'safety first'. Much safer than driving drunk. So screw everybody in legislature that says driving while high is unsafe. Just tell a high person they could murder somebody if they drive and they'll give their keys up on the spot and start crying.
12:52 I do that all the time. Sometimes I stop at a corner thinking there is a stop sign. And to the post that is fucking awesome, I once took some acid and sat on a bench and talked to a pirate for 3 hours. Went back 2 days later and it was part of the bench.
This is insanely dangerous. Funny as hell? Yes. But please for the love of not accidentally killing someone innocent stick to bikes, sidewalks and roller blades.
And whoever said you drive safer because you go slower. That isn't true. Driving slower can actually cause accidents like driving faster.
Haha I am constantly forgetting which pedal is which when I'm driving stoned, and sometimes I'll just forget completely where I'm going or how to get there. :)
That's funny as shit! I was once hitting my friends new bong I got him for Christmas last year and it has a elephant in it and your smoking out of the elephants trunk and I was afraid to hit it again that the elephant was gonna get high then stop working for us...
Drunk drivers crash into shit bit if a something scares a high driver you alm may jus walk home.lol. I honestly got stuck at a red light for 15minutes at like 3am. I was too freakin paranoid to move my car even though NO ONE was around.lol
I've done that, stopped at stop signs waiting for them to turn green, flashing lights that. Never turn green and stopped at 4 nonexistant stop signs...in a row
I once waited at a stop sign for it to turn green I was so high! Haha. I was there for like 5 minutes wondering what the hell was taking it so long to change..? Then I looked around and realized I was at a stop sign. That's when I told myself no more smoking then driving. Haha. So dumb!
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