Damn it if I pass out in the bathroom one more time this month im going to rehab...
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the very fact that you're already thinking about rehab is a sign that you probably need it...
Hilarious and sort of a bummer? Rofl. \n\nAlso, Mike81, you're an idiot. "If you think you need rehab then you don't?" What the fuck does that even mean? Lol...
Lyns lohan is that you
So next month is okay?
If u think u might then u dont
I love how he said "this month" instead of "ever again"....see u at a meeting in a couple years brother
3 strikes rule is for pussies
Rehab is for quitters!!!
rehab is cooooool.
Rehab is so overrated
um, I might consider it after the first time I pass out in a bathroom
The trick is to say this the last day of the month ;)
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