throwing condoms aimed at his crotch probably isn't the politest way to ask for sex
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It is, however, the most effective way.
were you hoping to win a prize for landing a ringer?
it's like the game horseshoes?
This strangely makes me smile..
Sounds like fun to me ^_^
sounds like it should be extremely efficient
Rule 534: Ladies, if you want sex, JUST ASK ALREADY. (after you better make me a sammich.)
Bet it was efficient though ;)
Maybe not, but hey if he's game what's the harm?!
Why aim for his crotch? Just say "catch!" then give him a suggestive look!
Most forward tho!
Lol umm no it's not.
It is an awesome way to ask for it dua
No but pretty dam kinky! I would love it!!
The polite thing would be to have your BFF walk over to him and ask if he would "Please have sex with my BFF".
I'm originally from 620. This is hilarious
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