My drunk body wants to fuck you so bad, but my high mind is telling me it's too much work. I think I'm just gonna stay home and eat some Mac and cheese. Sorry.
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No woman can compete with Cheesasaursrex when high AND drunk.
true story..sad one but true
Definitely know how that feels. Not the truth you'd expect.
I love you for posting this.
Why do you all keep thinking it was a guy? It could be a girl; we love our Mac and cheese too!
Its gotta be a chick, no straight guy would turn down a good drunk lay....
hey, atleast he's honest.
no man can either, RuleBook. the cheesiest will always win.
Learn to multitask and do both at the same time.
A fair compramise would be for him (assuming I have the gender correct) to do all the transportational facets. And he will.
priorities buddy get them in order
That's very high-minded of you.
Cbus reppin drunk lazy fuckers
Poop nuggets that was me
Arthurlux, that comment made my day. Thank you.
That's funny.
It's fine
3.25, g a y est comment award
HAHAHAHAH been thereee
Been there done that.
This is one of the funniest, most
Yeh I immediately thought this was a girl. No guy would turn down sex, let's be real.
Damn story of my life haha
let's just stay home and eat.
Op and I have much in common
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