Night out in new white coat = success. Offered free breast exams all night, two took me up on it, woke up with one. I love medical school!!!
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I'm in med school and I am just wondering who the fuck goes out in their white coat? Especially the lame short coats they give to students?
You're just mad you didn't think of it first.
I couldn't agree more. I too am in med school and if I went out to the bars in my coat there's a good chance I'd be kicked out of school.
I love watching scientist friends (perfectly socially competent people, mind you) get new lab coats and feel the need to wear them everywhere they go.
10-1 odds this guy get his license suspended at some point in his career for an ethics violation.
From one medical student to another; don't be that one is impressed by the short white coat.
They don't even use them anymore.. not in Aus anyway. Infection control hazard.
Only in the 336, go guilford county!
playing doctor is awesome no matter how old you are
Not the kind of doctor I want to see..
Just wondering why you stopped short? Why not be a gyno and off pap smears?
Sounds like a texts that would come from Barney Stinson's cell. What up?
I'd go home with you ;)
why are these people hating? that was an amazing, beautiful thing you did.
Probably a Wake Forest student. That scares me.
Short coats are for retards and med students
@ shlock: amen.
Wet White coat party!!!!!!
Fake as a mo fo
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