So there I was.....spitting on my goldfish just to keep it alive.
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Wow this made my day lol
This has been on the Internet forever..
This has been on the internet for forever. Lame.
People are stupid
Wouldn't that kill the fish?
Hopefully that fishy isn't thinking "just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming" poor little guy D:
Omg legonut ur on this too! Everytime I read your comment on FML I start cracking up!
to early for sucha sad story. :(
I was glad when this stupid saying died. Why has it come back?
Animal crulity :(
Damn party people hope you get aids or something
did it work?
Yah, that doesn't work, and was a stupid idea in the first place. Where could you have possibly been the make the situation that desperate?
Awesome. Simply awesome.
Saw this on highdeas and I'm pretty sure on here once b4...totally unoriginal
Go to walmart and replace.......40 cents
That's actually really sad . :(
It's funny because there was no water for the gold fish so he had to spit on it.
It's not funny cuz this has been said before
0-0 x\n| |/\n| \\\nx x Wow
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