Just tried to chase Captain Morgan with water...this whole drinking alone business is getting harder to do.
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captain morgan is delicious. no chaser needed
Who needs a chaser for captain Morgan pussy
I like to chase mine with whores...and pretzels...dolphins too
Ew why are u drinking alone creep
Water is the default chaser, especially for poor college kids. Anything else is a luxury and therefore optional. Man up, and also find some friends to drink with.
Only pussies complain about drinking rum, go back wine coolers.
Peyton Manning had sex with a dolphin
This is stupid and old people are lame drunks
Good job Chicago area.
I can not escape capt. Morgan. Had a good time with him last night but it's fucking me over today D:
jew spell very badly old people are stupid
fuck you dude, you never bring up religion, even as a spammer
jew is her name stupid ugly assed face boy and I'm French and Jewish so bite me pedo
and when i drink alone, i usually dont get laid
George Thorogood reference. Sorry bad joke.
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