That's ok. Our relationship has a solid foundation of booze and questionable behavior.
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That's what love is made of <3
Peyton Manning had sex with a dolphin
Hmmm...what the fuck would Jesus do in this situation?
Hahaha! That's Louisiana!
Those are the best relationships.
That's the only foundation worth building on. I bet they know how to quench a firsty.
Something to share with your kids someday
Jesus would put it on her butt :)
Sounds like my life in a nutshell
This wouldn't bother me if it didn't sound like it had the potential to be any one of my friends. Hurray, 318.
That's what love is made of
I'm just posting this comment to spite bella69. I just want her to see my screen name
and it only lasted three weeks. thank you geebus
Don't make fun of Jesus or you be in the hot place dummy
Spoiler alert: Dumbledore dies.
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