I'm pregnant just thinking about him.
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In soviet russia he is pregnant thinking of you.
You thought of Chuck Norris?
Funniest thing on tfln this week
Wow... Do you get morning sickness from the sound of his voice.. That would be impressive... If you do .. Eat pretzels.
Firsty should be shot if not already, and if already firsty should go die in a hole.
This is a total repeat, not even a good one at that.
I was wondering if it was or not. Those bitches.
Totally but it was way funnier the first time... "He is a firefighter with his own band... I'm pregnant just thinking about him". LOL!!
I'm the Bomb. Like.. Tick Tick!!!
Stfu firsty
Hahaha @notknown best comment all week
ok, ok, ..."the snozzberries taste just like snozzberries!!"
Firsty is just trying to help, pretzels really do help with morning sickness. Good looking out firsty.
with emotion?
This is how u got pregnant in the first place
this is a horrible text, you should just k yourself , im last as we speak and its not even slightly funny
The babies name should be firsty !!!
It's only like... Half the original text, to.
EmmaXxX, not in Soviet Russia, in mpreg fetish porn.
Hahahaaa! My friends think I'm crazy when I say things like this!
Him? Don't I mean your fuck stick u nasty bitch.
GsusLikesballs you first.
I bet he's sterile when he thinks of you.
This one is actually pretty funny
Firsty does me in my juicy cooter
I wonder what would happen if she stopped thinking about him!!!!!
I got knocked up by a firsty pretzel. He was ahmazing ;)
Iamsonotfly because you commented about the firstys doesn't that make you a follower wanna be? Juicy_cooter lmao!
Awww guys how does it feel being a follower? Self esteem fail for all firstys :)
All of Firsty's followers are just as important as the real Firsty! :)
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