If your dick isn't up when i get home you're catching tonight.
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Hmmm. 2 men or a very adventurous straight couple???
"ugh you're such a pain in my ass."
Here batter batter batter batter SWING
Mjmmac, it's homophobes not homophones. I agree, but you now look like the uneducated trash.
Take one second, look down, and realize that the "B" and "N keys are literally neighbors. Then take another moment to realize that you are a moron. That is all.
or whatever hes using auto corrected him
talk about performance anxiety..wow
this made my day.
It didn't make you hole weak ?
Gays ftw
Homophones make me laugh....fuck off you uneducated worthless morons
I know, me too...nothing is funnier than rose vs. rows or seen vs. scene....I can go on.
surely this is intentional...?
Maybe they are really playing catch. No one knows for sure
With their erections?
Oops sorry....auto correct is a bitch. Homophobes!
But it's night! You can't play baseball in the dark sillyhead!
You go!
Yay for boys town Chicago ;)
...or DeKalb
That's hilarious
It's the league of extra-horny gentlemen
Woo hoo you go
Love it oxford st Australia represent
I do not understand this. What is meant by "catching?"
Oh this is the best one ever. YAY! ♥ tha rainbows
Wtf..? O.o
Ewwwww. Gag
Hahaha i like this chick. Ima start tellin my guy this
What makes you think this is a girl?? Lmao
Typical Americans. Go Sweeden
cataching... basenall??
the act of receiving anal sex = catching, also get a spell check
No, Catching is the act of someone being came on. Receiving anal sex (in respect to the homosexual community)is "bottoming".
Receiving anal sex = bottoming\nCatching = Being came on
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