Watching Argentina vs Germany during a wedding on an iPhone. Thank you Steve Jobs.
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Fuck yea go Germany! 4-nil
Germany kicked ass! :)
Soccer is like "Twilight" - they run around for two hours, nobody scores and all the fans say you just don't understand.
haha yet another whiny prick! if you dont like it, dont worry about it!
Stop advertising for apple
omg win
Germany won 4-0 by the way, so they clearly scored. Btw, Twilight's for fangirls, football's the most popular sport in the world.
Beautiful haha
How do you watch a soccer game on an iphone live at a wedding?
Amen. Was listening to USA vs. England while videotaping my cousin's wedding. Haha.
And texting you all at the same time.
There's an app for that...
How about Germany now go Spain
Well how about a DIVORCE and not a DEVORCE
apparently one of he only iphone users with reception
How did you get the game on your iPhone ?
Germany will take all
Yes, because no other phone can do that. Apple sucks, Steve Jobs sucks, and you suck.
Imkeithstone I agree with you completely.
too soon..... but GO GERMANY
Keith stone go suck a dick . Lemme guess you think baseball is fun and exciting ?
FOOTBALL is actually 90 minutes, roughly, unless there's extra time and penalties, which doesn't happen too much throughout the year. If nobody scores, then how can teams progress through competitions and win leagues?
Nice try, Apple.
Fuck yeah you blow off that wedding bro!
Amen keithstone haha
Bastian schweinstager is the shit!!!! I love duestchland!
Thanks again Steve Jobs
That's the way to go!\nAnd Kieth stone, there were actually 4 scores so bad arguement
I guess I'd know that if I was LAME enough to watch soccer. Maybe 4 years from now I'll pretend to be a soccer fan too.
Mr lova if you had an iPhone you would already know
Fuck yeah. Rio grande valley baby.
Haha greenkid shut your mouth!
Steve jobs can suck this chode
I get first
Alright kiethstone! Plagarism fucking rocks my socks!
w00t! Germans for the win!
Hey is this site new? Texts From This Morning. Sweet, glad i found TFTM!
yea cause steve jobs is jesus ugh apple gets on my nerves more and more every day
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