Totally smoking with fifteen year olds.
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the 484 representing
I've been doin' that a lot lately. Some of them are pretty chill.
Fuck sit ups. I'll look at this shit daily.
i hope that isn't about me
epic. i want to do this myself :3
im 15 and i smoked with my friends sisters boyfriend yesterday totlly about me hes from pennsylvania
that happens way too often in the 484....
Common occurrence in the 484/610, every ones done it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA i agree with the reoccuring habit of smokin wit the youngens ... 610/484 hollaaa ! hahaha
Hahahahahahah repin 484
im a 15 year old from 610 and i hope your not talking about mee?
shit was this about me? ahahahaha whats good davE!
hahahaha, i'm a 15 years old from the 484. gotta love ittt<3
word up 484
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