why do the even put the "Please drink responsibly" on tequila ads? like has anything responsible ever come from tequlia. No. never.
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My liver just giggled and agreed!
Clearly nothing good will ever come from tequila.
hm.... dats nice..
in an effort to keep the fat girl's clothes on.
A whole lot of kids were probably born after tequila consumption. Maybe on of them became responsible.
What about diamonds?
@ jessemaariee was that supose to be touché? If so wow. \n\nGreat post. So true.
Liquid poor choices
Liquid gold. Or silver!
You don't even want to know what's on some vodka adds...
omg story of my life! I think they should put "Responsible for bad life choices" on tequila bottles.
Nothing good EVER comes from drinking tequila\nDrink responsibly ..... Hmm good one!
theres probably records of a doubling in births and accidents in the years since and after tequila was gifted to us.
hahahaha this couldn't be any more true.
So true
Helping ugly chicks get laid for years!
Seriously, but you know you love it!
Hornitos tequila will rock your world
Sooo true!!!
Haha true true
This is one of my favorite texts lol
This is the smartest thing I have ever heard come out of Idaho...
tu Che.
touche' (dont feel like looking up the accented 'e')\n\ntu Che = you, Che (Guevarra, or 'man/dude' in Argentina) in spanish
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