that's funny the latimes post election results show the district voting against prop8\n\ni go to berkeley all the time i have friends who live there don't pretend its conservative
Poorly spelled noun + only word you think about = insult. You ma'am, are a genius; i wish there were more of you. if you act like you talk then likely there are; roughly 6 or 7 crying in a crib.
I live in Texas, I own and like guns, and I am a Republican. It's a hell of a lot better than waking up, brushing my teeth with Eco-friendly toothpaste, and then going to an LGBT/abortion rights rally. If you ever crawl out of your little hole and come out to the Midwest, for God's sakes DO NOT tell anyone your a democrat or a liberal.
Submitted by
on Apr 22, 10 at 11:09pm
Last I checked, Texas wasn't in the Midwest. In fact, I remember quite a few actual Midwestern states voting for Obama...and Obama himself is from the Midwest. =)
We really should start hosting a yearly leftist hunt. Just follow the smell of weed and half baked ideology. That, and it's more entertaining then deer hunting because when you find them, it's fair to hit them with a car/truck since they are sentient of a sort and it doesn't feel like abuse.
i am from new york, do not own but like guns, and am a liberal. it is a hell of a lot better than waking up, rotting my teeth with chewing tobacco and cheap beer before not going to work and complaining about minorities. see? i can stereotype too. and btw, the midwest blows.
yes, dont walk, run out of Texas please. the sooner we get you liberal fucks out of our state the better. i honestly cant wait for Texas to succeed. btw,not all Texans are cowboys,we all dont ride around on horses talking with an ungodly thick accent.
AlmightyShiz- Texas is full of overweight fuckin cretins. Prime example is the recent removal of Thomas Jefferson from textbooks. I'm anticpiating the day you all shoot yourselves so the rest of us can continue evolving.
Yes, because that Zionist disgrace held some important part of our history. It's sad really, southerners generally aren't that bright. However, for people with such discipline, the only thing holding them back is a lack of ambition. Probably the only thing between them and industrial sized liberal extermination camps.
Hahaha I love this! I would never have sex with a republican. I also hate that just because you dis a republican you're automatically a liberal. Stupid childish republicans need to be knocked off their high horse.
It's because we have huge cocks. We get shit because all the little bitch liberals can't deal with the knowledge that their dick is tiny and they can't make a girl orgasm. Texas owns.
okay i think all of yall are being a bit ignorant, first of all that texan down there who is just adding to how many people think texas is filled with dumbass ignorant republicans, even when they dont know shit about texas or the people in it; get out of here! i'm a texan and i fuckin love texas but i hate all the fuckin idiots like you! and people think it'd be scary to go to texas because there are people like that? i've never fucking encountered an ignorant republican who isn't open to y
Liberals are the reason this country got attacked. Liberals are the reason it takes you 4 hours at the airport and your toddler kid has to get stripped searched. Read some history books and see how America used to be. Fuck you libs and out Muslim ass president. Oh and go cowboys
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