I heart nerds. And there have been plenty of times when I would have gladly paid $4 for a slice of cold pizza brought right to my desk. In normal circumstances I'd pack all my study materials up, lose time getting the food, and lose my sweet study spot to someone more prepared to ignore their tummy. OR I'd just sit there and starve for 14 hours. $4 is a total bargain, more if it came with a coke.
I think he said people who refuse to leave the library are nerds. There's such a thing as overkill. Besides, if you learned that shit all term, there's no NEED to cram at the end. I never pulled a marathon study session and I can barely even recall the experience of NOT setting the curve on a test.
I study hard a lot but I manage to pack a sandwich and drool and sleep on my books. $4 for pizza is a happy thought during this crisis i refer to as finals.
Yeah honestly the word nerd isn't that bad of a word anymore.. to me it just means they care about their education which is something I respect -- on the other hand there are still creepers who don't get out at all, have almost no social skills and look terrifying, now those kids freak me out.
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