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  • I don't take walks of shame, I take walks of pride

    Submitted by nonsoberhangover on Apr 18, 10 at 6:56pm
  • Is it necessary to comment on how stupid out fake some of these may be? If you think it isn't funny then read it then move on.

    Submitted by dirtyrich09 on May 22, 10 at 10:09pm
  • Who Fuking cares 4:46. It's funny

    Submitted by purpleispretty on Apr 18, 10 at 5:01pm
  • First? Really??

    Submitted by YourWifesFantasy on Apr 18, 10 at 4:19pm
  • Typical college moment that you'll remember forever :) gotta love freshman year, I know I do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 20, 10 at 4:09am
  • This is obviously fake.. You would think, if this person made it to college, they would know how to spell correctly.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 18, 10 at 7:38pm
  • Another fake

    Submitted by JJdoggie on Apr 18, 10 at 5:54pm
    • agreed.. seems like there are way too many "walk of shame" texts on here. we get it, you fuck someone you shouldn't have and then walk home. ha. ha.

      Submitted by RwarKittyMeow on Apr 18, 10 at 6:57pm
  • Could everyone that is hung up on the grammatical accuracy of this text please realize that neither "fiveing" or "fiving" are real words? K thanks.

    Submitted by GlamAm87 on Apr 19, 10 at 1:21am
  • If both walk of shame people had great sex last night a high five is obviously due. :) this is funny

    Submitted by mylife on Apr 19, 10 at 4:45pm
  • Don't worry u won't miss the HIV you just got

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 18, 10 at 7:57pm
  • That's why you need to move into a college neighborhood after you've finished school and become a baller. College chicks will still be around;)

    Submitted by YourWifesFantasy on Apr 18, 10 at 4:17pm
  • Grow the fuck up and get ready for adult life. Otherwise keep making real world audition tapes you pathetic fucking loser

    Submitted by knickerbocker on Apr 19, 10 at 11:22am
  • man I can't wait for college =D

    Submitted by cico187 on Apr 18, 10 at 5:08pm
  • No one does this. When someone is taking a walk of shame they become temporarily socially retarded due to lack of sleep and the overall feeling of shame. They keep to themselves and don't make eye contact with anyone they fear will judge them... unless they are still drunk from the night before.

    Submitted by greenbumho on Apr 18, 10 at 8:02pm
  • What about the walks of shame outside of college? why does it seem most of the text they allow on here are from college kids with mommy and daddy's money?

    Submitted by trappenjonez on Jun 14, 12 at 2:45pm
  • Learn better grammar or kill yourself. Seriously. Who didn't learn to drop the 'e' before adding 'ing?'

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 18, 10 at 4:46pm
    • i was thinking the same thing. it is funny, don't get me wrong, but come on.

      Submitted by jaybram24 on Apr 19, 10 at 5:19pm