And then the cop told me my court date was on 4/20. I said come onn u really gunna do me like that
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Random thought: what if the same judge scheduled court dates for everyone that day. That is one smart/cruel judge.
its ok my friend has one on the 21st in Vermont he got caught for possession and now he cant smoke on 4/20 at all you can smoke after your court date
I will smoke a blunt for ya.
like you're gonna show up anyway, loser
Very nice. :)
WOW that sucks SOOOOOOOOO bad
Go to court wont do it.
I weep for you.
420 court date wouldn't be bad. I love driving high
i want to vote "Worst Night"
Don't feel bad, maybe the judges will be stoned outta ther minds.
that sucks bro!
lol ahaha
This never happened, nice try though
When I had court it ended at like 9:30 am. So you should be fine. I went to Denny's after. Yum.
My court date is the same day!!!
I know how ya feel. I have court for distribution charges that day:/
I don't get it
um 4:20 is like international Stoners holiday. It's a part of the weed culture. Too lazy to explain it's origins, so look it up on Wiki.
Ha Ha. Suck it, stoner.
:( this is so sad we'll all be thinking of u
To the person who posted this:\nI got arrested recently for weed possession and had court last night....I have to report to my mandatory 6 months of drug testing on 420 too. Assholes.
.....just smoke after
I feel ya man. Gotta see my po then :(
hahaha that sucks mannnn
Dude just plead no contest then go get high.
Twelfth. Is that how u spell it? Awkward word!!
Ouch. Dude that's gonna suck. "/ Even though I dunno ya I'll be thinking of ya. :)
At least u weren't in rehab like me \nWorst 4/20 ever
That sucks man... Trying to keep a guy away from some weed lol
Haha my cousin and her friends got pulled over And searched and one of the kids got a court date on 4/20 ... If it was my area code I would wonder...
I actually had court on that day this year. lol haha
That sucks. My sympathy.
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