Good god everyone calm down. The problem here Iis that all the people getting so worked up about this actually have no idea what they're talking about. Everything isn't so simple. Stop getting so offended!
Hey 4:55, since all Americans are too stupid to find bin Laden, perhaps you would like to take it upon yourself to go find him. Just you. No help from anyone else. Apparently, YOU are so highly intelligent you could easily find him....
everyone who's saying "fuck everyone who hates america" & then following it up with a paragraph full of racist ignorant shit. you guys are the reason people hate america. like honestly just stop it is too damn ignorant you're making us look really bad
Yeah 4:55 we're all stupid because our government fails us. As if each of us has the ability to track a single person in an extremely remote country on the other side if the world. Moron.
Yeeehaaaww!!! I'm Americun and we'all damn sure is better than you damn Europeun folk with your fancy accent and Austin Powers character! Me an my prgnant sister agree, Osama Bin Laden doesn't mater anymore
Osama bin laden is really Obama and Biden... They just put the names together so ppl would think Arabs are bad.. Another one of usa's tricks to fuel racism.. Our new president sux ass.. So did the last one..
Thank You!!!! seriously- I'm part of s group of people he hasn't done shit for and keeps going back and forth on issues that affect me and my friends... 1 term president
No everyone hates America because they're all fucking jealous. Half you fuckers eat fuckin sand for dinner and live in a shack with like 20 other terrorist fucks.
Actually the reasin people hate america is because we are violent barbarians who let 7 yr olds pop heads in video games. I personally having had the pleasure of being one of those 7 yr olds think that thats going to help us defeat our enemies in wars to come. However pornographic images are showed on public television in europe but violence is extremely rare
4:43 osama bin Ladin is the mastermind behind 9/11. NOT to be confused with obama, who is the president. You clearly need to brush up on your current events
Hey 4:55 if we are so stupid, then why are we the greatest nation in the whole fucking world?you can try to tell me I'm wrong and that Canada is better, but that place is in more debt then America. THIS IS AMERICA FUCK FACE. We fucking rule this fucking world. If we wanted to we could annex Canada right now cauae they are a bunch of kiss ass fucktards. China sucks dick cause they don't have freedom. Korea needs to shut the fuck up, those fucking commi bastards should have been bombed right when the
Really? Because last time I checked, no one in my family is a communist, or a bastard. My mother is Korean and my father is from America. I don't have a problem with anyone because of the country's government. You sound like an ignorant asshole who hasn't done their damn research. 'Korea' is no longer a country. And South Korea is Democratic, dip shit.
3:03pm....fuck Americans?! What piece of shit country are you from? france? french canada?! Go fuck yourself shit brick...and pull your head out of your ass....fuckin haji
he is sucking big dick in some motherfuckin cave while we ate looking for him in the hardest spots wen he is in the obvious spots hes like the new hitler but not as succsesful
Europe blows. Fucking socialists, you know why your continent sucks and your in debt collectively more than America? Also who the fuck comes to everyones aid? America. We defended everyones assesbin 2 world wars, rebuilt your pathetic nations and you sit there and bitch about America. Fuck you. If there's a natural disaster who's aircraft carriers and warships are there first for aid? Americas. And yea were pompus we got the best military we have our so called freedom, yea America is the best your
He's fucking camels on his camel ranch with the rest of Al-Qaida in buttfuck Pakistan/Afghanistan . He uses his camel fucking ranch to encourage and help recruit new fucked in the head morons that want to strap bombs to themselves for a genuine piece of shit.
Osama is bathing in pigs blood fucking a goat in the ass. He isn't a real man. Probably has to use his moms dildo to fuck the goat because he has no cock. His sister probably cut it off so he can't contaminate the rest of the world with his fucked up towel head ideas....
11:49, intelligently stated or not, who the fuck are you to judge ANYONE? Nevermind wishing death on an entire people simply because your views differ from theirs. Wait, that sounds familar....Hitler. Sadam. Osama. The list goes on, but I think you get the picture. Good job iTard, you just exposed your real colors....
Actually I'm American just got out of the marine corps and I've been to Iraq, there are people who help American soldiers and people who don't want anything to do with America or terrorist. It's thier choice. But to say that America is full of people getting mad about diplomacy? How is flying planes into buildings knowing it is full of innocent people not military diplomatic?
War is for dump people/countries that get angry like a little bitch when dealing with diplomacy. People from Iraq are starving and you guys keep killing yourselves in a country that would just die alone. That is been stupid too. Hope all Americans die on wars, so their moms became our bitches and beg us to cum inside their flat pussies.
To all you haters, here's a little something me and my friends like to live by... If you're not with us, you're a fucking terrorist. You want to talk shit, go run for office. Until then, go fuck yourself
All you haters are French (we saved your ass twice, so fuck your mothers) or terrorists. America is a GIANT WIN. Haters are so nasty when they are jealous. Killed Bin Ladens sorry ass, expecting thank you notes now!
1149 you're fucking rediculous. You're being prejudice.a lot of Americans don't consider themselves the best.dont judge our whole country by our backwoods redneck rasicst hicks.
He's climbin in Yo airplanes he's blowing Yo buildings up so y'all just need ta hid ya kids hid ya wife and hide ya pilots cause they jackin erry body out here
Wow 10:01, that was patriotic. Honestly, if you are really stupid enough to think that everyone from the middle-east is the next osama, you really just need to get out of the country now along with the majority of the population who feel the same way. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for stopping terrorism, but people who don't give a rat's ass about anything but themselves just piss me off
Americans are so idiots haha Osama is probably fucking with your sister and your mom at the same time. Making her suck his dick until he comes inside her. While she screams your name in help, but you are here, arguing about a text. Fuck Americans, fuck you.
11:32 Everyone hates America, from Canada to Japan, everyone hates you exactly because of that, you guys think you are the best, when you are not. Actually, we do not hate the place, you guys have Disney and porn stars, we hate Americans, obese and stupid Americans. Hope Osama kill more of you stupid bastards. FUCK YOU. By, the rest of the world.
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