my dad is going to jail this weekend
where are we going to get our weed from?
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Nothings better than having a dad that you can blaze with!
I think this one is my favorite
Road trip! Canada, medical mota
Fuck all you ppl that say fake. Who gives a shit? You will never know if it's fake or not so fuck off
This is beautiful
So funny
In soviet Russia dad buys weed, not sells!
@626 hahaha lmao that perfect
I think this is from the same person that posted that she told her father to get off of her after sex because he was mashing her ciggerettes.
Why is this fake??? I think it's totally possible and actually original for once!
Lil wayne's your dad?!
Sounds like my dad hahah total fail
1012 knows what's up
Laaaaaame and fake
Well damm surely that's not ur only connection! Lol
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