Obama can't do any worse than the Old white guys who have been running this country for hundreds of years.....
....Just seems to me this country has had its ups and downs all through history...and all through history its been WHITE MEN running it. Its only been a hundred day or so....Give him time to fuck it up like they did before you condemn him!
FYI...not an obama or Mccain supporter
I'm from Tulsa, and I personally think this is f-ing hilarious.... and you probably are the only democrat, given that the whole state voted republican!!! woot woot! go Oklahoma. (In no way am I being sarcastic, I am a Republican, but not a racist.)
From Oklahoma and did vote for Obama. We are not all rednecks and Republicans. Although I do agree with this person's choice for President, I'm going to assume it wasn't due to his high level of intelligence, seeing as he wrote this from the Sheriff's office.
I think its pretty funny how you all think that rednekcs are dumb. I am a redneck and proud of it and I am in college and I am a nursing major!! wow.. sounds like some other people are kind of dumb.... that's what you get for voting for Obama...
"oh and it's "ballot", not "ballott". people who can't spell glass houses shouldn't throw stones at people they don't even know.
LOL mixed metaphor fail.
the commentary is funnier than the texts. also, who cares if you are a nursing major? you get to wipe the ass of someone when you get out. that doesn't take an obscene amount of intelligence.
"mccain supporters are stupid. everyone knows it. obama is president! deal with it! dumb ass hoes!"
Does this mean that when Bush was President everyone who voted for John Kerry in 2004 was a "dumb ass hoe?"
"I am a proud redneck."
"I am a proud reverse racial slur, and I've taken pride in my branding hitherto."
...my god this whole thread is retarded. I like hearing more about fucked up text messages about anal sex and periods and gasoline fires and fighting clowns and fucking your dad. Stop it. Fucking stop. I'm as bad for saying anything at all. Shit...
dying at the response to the republican nursing major.. like wtf who wants to be a nurse? so you can mop up vomit and work for doctors? awesome. definitely does not take an obscene amount of intelligence if you ask me..
"So many Anonymous Obama haters. With any luck they'll die of the swine flu or rabies. Either one will make me happy."
With any luck youll be ass fucked by a clown from timbucktwo who supports Barack
New Rule: You may not make intellectual jokes about others if you can't successfully spell the word "ballot".
New Rule #2: Bragging about being the only one in the Tulsa Sheriff's office who voted for Obama is probably something Obama wouldn't appreciate.
Finally, if you're in the sheriff's office anywhere, odds are that you're the only person who voted AT ALL aside from maybe 5 of the people wearing guns and badges.
Fuck you Oklahoma is not full of red necks why do people think we fuck our realitives and ride horses and shit. Btw I voted for Obama and I could read the ballot
Hahaha this is hilarious! I feel your pain! I'm from Oklahoma and go to school in California now. I can totally see this being some night in my near future this summer!!!!
It may be a political text, but the fucking responses don't need to be. Take that shit to Limbaugh's website or Air Fucking America. Not here douchebags.
Haha f-ing hilarious!
I'm from New Zealand, so who's your President doesn't matter to me. Its funny because it's about America's deep south. yes, the whole world knows the stereotype, and yes, it is universally funny!
People, calm down, this is a dumb site were we laugh at text messages.....let's re-access our priorities, if you don't like the text, move on to the next one, they're all funny!
I'm pretty sure the majority of people who voted for McCain are educated people, and the ones who can't read are all the minorities and people on welfare who have little education voted for Obama
And if you want to talk stereotypes, I guess that means by now Obama should be serving fried chicken and collard greens at his next fundraiser.
It's incredible that people totally skip over all the texts about people drunk driving like they're "no big thing" and then freak out over one like this. Incredible...
I was at the tulsa sheriffs office last night surrounded by communists. I'll bet I was the only one there who voted for McCain.
'You're probably also the only one who pays taxes'
Living in Tulsa, this is freaking hilarious.
Everyone else needs to shut up that thinks it's stupid. I'm actually ok with this text because it's not just about sex or drinking.
here ya go. this pretty much sums it up.
This is funny. It is funny because of the stereotype; which includes the south being heavily republican, and continually falling to the bottom of the barrel in education. So get over it...
Sorry to break it to you but Obama is just as shitty as Bush. The differences between the Democrats and Republicans are very exaggerated, nothing is going to change until we vote those fucks out of office.
I voted for him. But from now one I will only vote 3rd party and encourage others to. If you have any sense you will too
People need to stop voting for Democrats and Republicans.
i'm from tulsa, born and raised, and it is actually a typically liberal city. and the rednecks were probably not tulsa residents or natives. for assuming that you're an asshole.
Haha, political or not, being stereotypical and then talking about a guy who stands to break stereotypes isn't political, it is asinine.... this person obviously has an entitlement problem. Put your hand out for more or maybe do what rednecks do and work.
This is funny. It is funny because of the stereotype; which includes the south being heavily republican, and continually falling to the bottom of the barrel in education. So get over it...
Actually, I've been to the tulsa sheriffs office to bail out a friend last weekend and there are way more "naturally tanned" folk down there with Obama t-shirts on and gold teeth than their are rednecks
Im confused...this is textsfromlastnight.com...take this political partisan BS to a site that warrants it, perhaps CNN, NYTimes, WSJ, you know, where political discourse is welcome. I just read a post that that said "(484): I just barfed on his mom.
(484): You told him you were too drunk to meet his parents. Totally his fault," this is hardly the place for your political posturing, you're all losers, especially the ones who voted for McCain, ha!!
"So many Anonymous Obama haters. With any luck they'll die of the swine flu or rabies. Either one will make me happy"
It was once said that a black man would be president “when pigs fly.” 100 days into Obama’s presidency, Swine Flu.
Agreed - uninformed vote for someone like Obama and then feel superior for it. Actually, it is quite sad because they are going to get exactly what they deserve. Unfortunately so will we all.
I feel I need to clarify. I'm the one who is 515 in the text. My friend who was at the Sheriff's office was getting her finger prints taken so she could get her license as a massage therapist. She committed no crime. Quit your damn assumptions. And, I am a Republican.
10:25 we have the thunde, sonic head quaters is here, the first electric guitar was invinted here, first parking meter, most of the austronauts, mickey mantle, Jim thorpe, the list goes on and on
That's a pathetic stereotype. Every state has their red necks....don't make assumptions about a place before you give it a chance to be a little more cultured. Oklahoma and it's residents are wonderful and it's just sad you feel necessary to criticize the whole state.
Anyone who voted for Mccain is a fucking clown shoe.
Anyone who voted for Obama is going to die of AIDS. Jungle AIDS.
Anyone who posts shit on the internet is an idiot.
I voted for Mccain and Obama. I'm also an idiot.
Everyone shut up.
I'm sorry, but why are you picking on people from Oklahoma? It is probably the friendliest state in the country, regardless of who the citizens voted for. I mean, Tulsa is actually not redneck at all, but since you were in JAIL, maybe you were surrounded by the lower life forms of the city (including yourself). If you do something trashy enough to land yourself in prison, you shouldn't expect to be around classy people.
Why are ppl doing this? Seriousley, if you don't like obama and you voted for bush, why do you have to criticize us when you put us in this mess in the first place
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