Pro-life or pro-choice I think we can all agree that OP needs to go back to middle school sex ed. Someone hook this chick up with a banana and a Trojan so she can practice! Oy
A miscarriage is a terrible, terrible thing...if you want the baby. Clearly you did, and I'm sorry for your losses. If you don't, however, as OP clearly does not, it's convenient.
Abortion is terrible, and I wish there was far less of it. I'm prochoice, but definitely not proabortion. That said, it's far more convenient than having the kid, fairly obviously. I don't believe it's preferable very often, but the convenience is really not something that can be argued.
Less abortions, just means more kids that are going to get screwed over by life and parents that won't take care of them properly cause they didn't even want them to begin with. As discusting as it is, that's just the way life is. So I'm not against abortions... I am though against stupid people not being able to be responsible fkn people and use protection and avoid this situation.
Yes, and adoption is a great way of getting rid of kids you don't want. Killing them, less so. Like I said, I think it should be legal, but don't try to frame it as a mercy killing or some shit like that. You're not doing it for the kid, you're doing it for yourself.
It's ok. All she needs is a couple abortions and then let's hear her cry in fifteen years when she finds out she can't have children because of her irresponsibility when she was younger.
When u post shit like this think first... My wife and I have lost FOUR pregnancies that we actually wanted. For you to joke around like that is utterly repulsive. May your uterus dry up like the Sahara your dirty whore
Wow, talk about a pathetic waste of government funding. Too damn cheap to get the morning after pill. God don't let this girl give birth to a child, it would be another waste of taxpayers hard earned money.
before you start going off about government funding, consider your stance on the death penalty. it costs more to put someone to death than to keep them in prison for life. yeah, look it up.
Who gives a shit about the death penalty? We can have a flame war big enough for everyone to enjoy on just the abortion issue, we don't need to bring in capital punishment to fan the flames.
If all the liberal dumb asses weren't so stupid, there are cheaper ways to get rid of the criminals that are on death row or on a life sentence. For 1, a tree is free... and rope is pretty cheap... also a firing line is an option. Why spend unnecessary money to be politically correct? If your gonna commit the crime then you can do the time burning in hell...
Honestly..I seriously think the mods put texts on here just so they start fights. These texts aren't funny..this USED to be a funny site and now it just sucks.
6:53 why did you post this? It's obviously not funny. Matter of fact it's rather repulsive and sad that you and this disgusting slut are alive. That is all.
Well...I'm not prochoice, but with this girls frame of mind I can see why she wants an abortion. I just wish that girls like her would just get on some damn birth control, if your going to have sex at least be smart about it.
Not all guys are like this, douche. I've told my girl plenty of times that I would raise a kid should it happen. So don't judge him without knowing his stance.
10:17 ur an idiot. It costs 84 dollars for lethal injection. It is not cheaper to keep someone life in prison then the death penalty. Know ur facts before u blurt shit out idiot. And this text is fucking sickening. Shame on you and shame on TFLN for even approving this. Sick sick fucking world we live in
1055 - They are referring to the cost of appeals, lawyers, judges, court officials, etc.. It costs millions upon millions to finally execute someone. Life in prison IS in fact less costly.
10:55. The injection itself is a minor part of the cost. For example, prisoners on death row are entitled to a healthy number of appeals which are often more expensive than life in prison. So, you shouldn't be so quick to name call when you yourself presented an invalid premise
guess what? not everyone is christian. i'm christian myself, and it angers me to no end how people who claim to be christian are so closed-minded. jesus didn't your bible, don't make to whatever you want it to say.
Lucky? Wow... just WOW. How about buying condoms or going on birth control? I don't get how this was even approved. It's disgusting and not even remotely funny. I agree with one of the posters that TFLN are putting these texts up just to create fights on here. Nice job.
Maybe instead of hoping for a miscairrage you should just stop having sex. If you are to immature to take care of a baby or do not want a baby then maybe you are to immature to have sex or should just simply not be having it. That is a simple answer to your pathetic question. Hopefully if you are ever given a gift as great as a baby you will not be as stupid as you are now.
i'd just like to say to all the people who are anonymous and talking shit, what right do you have to judge? don't say that i shouldn't be alive for posting this. yes, its sick, but i see the humorous side to it. and if you have a problem with that then just don't comment on it. don't even go on this site if all you're going to do is bring people down to help your own self esteem.
Fake or not, this text should not have made it on this site. In no way shape or form is this even remotely funny. The people who moderate these texts should be fucking ashamed.
11:13, you're an idiot. Pro-choice doesn't mean "pro-use-abortion-as-birth-control" which I'd clearly OP's mindset. It's is your body your choice, but it's not meant to be an excuse or being irresponsible and/or ignorant. Just my 2 cents.
More evidence love doesn't exist, and that humans are the worst cruelist most disgusting species in this world, I hope people like this learn to breed with eachother...or just not raise kids something fuck...
I can't believe people get thus up in arms about texts. Some people have a dark sense of humor while others are offended by anything stronger than G ratings. To each his own, but don't waste your energy on something that makes you this upset.
Hey flames, unbunch your panties. This was made up and somehow made it to the site. There are too many people as it is. Pro-life preachers will diminish in the future.
You liked the fact that you had a miscarriage? You liked the fact that your baby died? I honestly did not know that the human race could be this disgusting
VERY glad everyone else saw this the same way I did. \nThis text makes me want to vomit. \nIt doesnt help anyone that people like this are stupid but do we REALLY need to top it off with heartlessness?\nDisgusting waste of oxygen.
i mean, honestly. stop. this is texts from last night. read the tagline (remember that text you shouldn't have sent last night? we do). it's drunken douchebags doing what drunken douchebags do best...make ridiculous comments while drunk.
I hope I live to see the day every Tom Harry and his uncle realizes that nobody really gives a shit about their little opinions so they should realy shut the fuck up and stop looking down on other people.
OP Have you ever thought of suicide? you need to, seriously. Wear a condom or get the morning after pill, or you know what? Don't have sex, this world does not need another fuckup wasting the governments money
"Ill be praying for you cause I think that'll do something"
"I don't believe in abortion but I think YOU shouldve been aborted... Wait what?"
You people are funny.
"choose life, your mom did"\n\nThat's about the most retarded stance you could take. Oh, no, I could have possibly not existed?? I can't miss what I've never had.
How fucking lazy are you that you can't google it yourself? I mean fuck, you typed it into a phone, surely you can type it into a computer in less time than that.
why are you focusing on her asking her friend to google it? lol are you not seeing the part about being pregnant again and saying it would be "luck" for her to miscarry? whether i have an issue with what this chick said or not it just seems like you're arguing over a way lesser issue.
If the choice is between an abortion and a miscarriage, the miscarriage would be luck - it's the same outcome, but less effort, something that's obviously fairly important to the sort of idiot who has unprotected sex. Her viewpoint is absurd to me, but I can see that she holds it. The Google thing is just weird no matter what you believe.
Get the f on birth control!!!! What the hell is wrong with you??? You should be disgusted!!! Killing babies is not a form of birth control! This is do sad.... Stupid liberals all you care about is someone else cleaning up your mess and not living with any consequences. This is just gross
Hahaha! Why are you tools getting mad? It is probable that this could just be a joke and it didn't happen. It's funny. And what would you expect from this site? If it makes you made, go to another site. Your angry comments won't stop people from posting fucked up shit.
How old are you? and I hope you are kidding. Jumping on a trampoline will NOT cause a miscarriage. Good lord. And no not even throwing yourself down a flight of stairs will do it either. I fell when I was very pregnant and the baby was fine. There is a reason for amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus - it's to protect it from the mother when she sustains injury.
Wait why would this be upsetting to a pro choice person??? It's a contradiction for u to want people to be allowed their choice but then shun them for the reasons they chose it.
let me just say in defense to the person that sent this to me, its better for the baby, and she wanted ME to look it up because he computer is broken. if she had a child it would be born into a life of neglect from an alcoholic coke head mother who can't hold down a job. so please, leave your comments to yourself. and fyi, its not a fake text. it was texted while i was at work one day. bye bye now. :)
Dude, I hate to touch in such a crazy topic..your decisions are clearly your choice.. But consider other people before you post such a wicked comment you ignorant bitch.
I agree that is a fucked up thing to say, but don't come to this site if you're going to bitch about the texts on it. There is a ton of racist shit on this website.
Submitted by
on Feb 24, 10 at 12:12am
3:14. You can't be American. Otherwise you would know that in the US we use liberal as an adjective rather than to name a political party. It would also have meant you read and understand the Constitution.
Fuck you all. Leave me alone. I'm not a dirty whore. Hey there sexy wanna cum inside me unprotected? Sure!! Like omg i've never slept with a black guy before. Is your penis REALLY as big as people think? Hehe ;).
Why Is it that anytime people mention abortion people just go crazy with their political ideals, this isn't a debate people. Get a life. Get friends so we don't have to listen to you bitch on here
@2:18: Yes, that does make her an irresponsible whore. If she can't afford birth control, she needs to close her legs. And if she was stupid enough to get knocked up once and didn't learn her lesson...well, maybe that poor baby was better off this way.
Yes and then rip up your cervix and uterus in the process and get an infection to where you will need a hysterectomy and can never get pregnant again. That will be splendid.
That's how abortions SHOULD be performed. You wanna act irresponsibly by spreading your legs, you risk infection, sterilization and death. It's called karmaic justice, I believe.
all the closed minded people calling this girl a whore and saying abortion is wrong and basically preaching your own beliefs, where are you from? i'd like to avoid those places.
If you are going to call someone stupid, you should probably learn how to spell "YOU'RE" first, idiot. By your logic, you'll end up in your hell as well, for being such a fucking idiot. So please stop breathing, thanks.
I think he/she is referring to the stupidity which led to the OP's situation. HELLO, I think you're the idiot here for not being able to understand the message. Better luck next life.
and i think YOU'RE an idiot for not understanding that hello5789 was referring to the fact that if YOU'RE going to judge someone, you should probably learn to read and write first.
And here my whole life i've been thinking typos and stupidity were different things. When someone is acting stupid I'll just tell them to stop acting typo. "Great catch" ::sarcasm::
I own one and do the abortions myself. I like to make abortions on girls with 5 or more months because the baby still moves after I take it out! Hahaha So useless. I just trow them away at the garbage
This is repulsive. There are women that desperately want children and can't have them. Keep your nasty legs closed or suck some dick, you worthless cunt.
Not everyone can be on birth control and sometimes mistakes happen! This doesn't mean she is some unprotected whore. Just shut the fuck up and get off the site!
Texts like these make me sad. I get that not everyone can be a parent but it's still sad to think of all the women out there who would do anything for a baby but just can't have one. :( adoption is lovely
They should sterilize people like this. And just sterilize people who get abortions. They had their chance to have kids and they choose to get rid of it. They shouldn't have the privilage to have another one.
Uh it's nothing to do with heightening our self esteem genius. This site IS about humor, yet I fail to see the humor in this text. Not only does she want an abortion but she's happy about the miscarriage she had previously. So really.. Where is the fucking humor?
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