you started crying because you didn't get to wear your rainboots this week so i turned on the shower and let you jump around in it
youre the best friend ever
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I don't care if this is real or not. It made me giggle either way -Goose
love this! cute.
Seattle is so awesome right meow!
Man I've been trying to find rainboots forever I can't seem to find ones I like tho
I fucking love wearing my rainboots when it rains!!!!!!
This made me lol!
Tfln finally got good again
I die a little inside everytime someone over analyzes a funny tfln.
Outstanding! This is why Seattle rocks outloud! Keep it fresh on the westcoast baby
haha this sounds like a really true friend:0)
That's so cute, I envy that relationship!
loving the seattle sun right now!
206 is Seattle. And it did so rain, on Sunday
Ya and if you live here this comment makes sense, the weathers been amaaaazing this week :) no rain for days..
rain is when water falls in the sky
Aww lol
12:25 she might have been on LSD or something you don't know
typical seattle
8:28, I couldn't agree more.
In soviet Russia shower jump on you and cry
it's funny if you've ever been to Seattle and know it's always raining there.
Yeah - sad not enough rain in Seattle lately!! That is a good friend indeed!!!
It rained today...I wore mine to the tanks for crew : )
It isn't always raining here. Jesus, like today it's sunny--zero clouds. Tard.
Made me tear up
So this person was so messed up that they need to be told that, but could apparently jump around in the shower? FAKE!!!!!!
Gotta love Seattle. home sweet home
now THAT'S friendship :)
Tacoma's weather is alright
Just because the area code is Seattle doesn't mean they're necessarily there. Jesus think outside the box
Awww you're the best friend ever!
Makes me laugh picturing this...but I know people who would cry about that stuff sober...
and this is why i love Seattle lol awesome tfln:)
Wow awesome friend!!
Second that below me I never had any good friends :(
thumbs up alone for use of "youre". also, awesome
Not funny
This is why Seattle is amazing. People know how to have fun and are good to their friends. I love my city.
Go Seattle!
What a great friend!
So cute!
Yet another "you did this" txt. How retarded can tfln get? You people really believe everyone that has a drink completely blacks out? The mods mist be in high school.
Been there done that...
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