503 I would have said "oh did I forget to tell you that I have aids." Then let him sweat it... That's not the type of thing one person should decide without talking to the other!!!!
you CAN be lost in the moment, you douche-fucks, and not notice that's he's not wearing a condom. even if it felt weird, she probably dismissed it because he told her he was wearing one.
So everyone assumes she watches him stick his dick in her? I wouldnt be looking down at that I'd be more focused on other stuff at the beginning of sex. He is a liar; its his fault. Blaming her is just evading the fact that some guys are horrible and selfish.
Dude periods after Plan B hurt SO bad. if he was willing to spend 50 dollars on putting her through that and NOT spending 2% of that price for a condom, he should have a vasectomy. :(
Yeah, seriously... How do you NOT notice?! Plus, this sounds like more of a phone conversation, not something you would want to text to a friend. But I guess it needed to be said- or texted.
Wow...if std's were running rampant before it's going to get even worse now that the morning after pill is becoming so popular. I hope those that misuse it all have their genitalia rot off.
how did get plan b? most states require that the woman show her id (i've tried buying it for gf who asked me to pick it up) so douche bags wont slip it in their drinks unknowingly.
@ feb 16 8:11pm. It's really not hard at all. Free if you go to the right places an you only need an ID. I'm not a slut, my husban and I just get carried away..
My bf and I never use a condom and he goes in me but I'm not pregnant. And u can hav ur period and still be preg. \nBut we r engaged so we actually want a baby.
what a shady fuck. men are so pathetic. girls, we need to start putting the condom on the men now to make sure they aren't LYING to us. how stupid its come to that.
okay. well for one, honey you shoulda realized it felt weird, UNLESS it was your first time. but also, he's a dumbass and a jerk for the pill. thats bullshit, if he could have so little concern about that kinda stuff, i wouldnt be fucking him anyway. so i think its fail on both sides.
Nah, I think a guy that lies about wearing a condom is just fucking wrong no matter what the girl does. Have you fucked without condoms and noticed THAT much of a difference?
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