HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh man, thats a bad burn, probably the worst thing that could happen to a person is their children turning out to be republicans. Ouch!!!!!
There is ignorance in both parties. Ignorant liberals, ignorant conservatives... Without ignorance there would be a lot less turbulence between the two. I tend to vote liberal, but I'm not ignorant to the faults of the proposed health care system. However, the smears toward both political parties on this comment wall are juvenile, ignorant, immature, and accomplish nothing.
Lol people pointed out that 90% of th comments are pro republican... Good site to associate with. Great values I'm suprised they haven't passed a bill Forcing it on the rest of the population. I do believe that everything this site/app stands for is against republican values.
Hahahaha. It is "forest for the trees" as in "because of the trees" clouding their view. Not "can't see the forest because they're in a tree". Please correct more "retarded" people. We could all use more of your insight. :)
lol republicans. your insults might hold more water if your party hadn't fucked up the country. when clinton left the white house, the country was operating at a surplus. oh what eight years can change.
when you say 'paying their own fucking way', do you mean 'saddling the next generation with insurmountable debt' like the last republican president did?
Bush isn't a republican.\nAnd democrats take money from the people who earned it and give it to the lazy ass people who just sit around all day.\nThe best thing this country could do is instill a flat tax.
8:44. Assuming democrats or any other party besides republicans has no set of values, makes less than a decent wage, and will not care for their own parents when they need care is biased and ignorant and exactly the kind of close-minded thinking I hope my children never adopt. We're all people with different opinions of how to achieve the 3 things you listed, and to say republicans are the only people who attain a high set of morals and a decent wage is bullshit and you know it.
Because McCain would have been suchhh a good president. Everything he said was complete nonsense. He just talked shit and honestly...no one cares that you were held hostage. Seriously.
I agree completely... and his VP choice would have ABSOLUTELY just further contributed to the grace of this country and, really, would have paved the way for other intelligent, well informed, articulate women everywhere. dont you think?
obama got away with SO much shit during his campaign that would have been the END of mccain's campaign if he had done it, thanks to the ridiculous left-wing media bias. Reverend Wright? calling his grandma a "typical white person?" smoking? it's not so much that mccain was great, obama just sucked a whole lot more.
Haha "liberals are so fucked up, they can't see the forest for the trees" exactly. Because we actually give a shit about the importance of a forest as a whole. The biodiversity that keeps the balance of life, and the photosynthesis that produces important things for humans, such as, oh I don't know, oxygen.
Hey look the first three people are actual smart, thinking Americans! And they didn't hollar first!! First!! I would love everyone to be republican, what a wonderful, take responsability for yourself and your actions world it would be :)
10:37 you are the idiot if you can't read between the lines. He is refering to the taxes that will be passed down to us in the coming years. The cost of the quality of life that will go down. Hell look at the recommendations the govt has already put out. No mammograms until 50 WTF. The seniors are getting the shaft on the whole deal. The govt can not run anything right. Look at what they have done with social security. They tried fixing the economy and that has been a cluster fuck
the terms Democrat Republican liberal conservative are all words created by the media to create the illusion of choice. The fact is there is no difference as both are wealthy parties that overall protect the interest of the media and lobbyists
while i dont love either party, obama ran us into the ground. the republican douches commenting need to unclench their asses though. it gets old pretty fast.
@8:50 way to be a productive member of society and getting your point across in a mature fashion. People like you and Rush Limbaugh really set good examples across the map for republicans.
8:32, yeah the world be so awesome if we were all the same! especially if no one cared about anyone else and only the rich people mattered.
oh and learn how to spell 'responsibility'
This reminds me of a Family Guy episode...
Chris: What do you do at a Young Republicans meeting?
Alyssa: We help those who already have the means to help themselves. Also, we perpetuate the idea that Jesus chose America to destroy non-believers and brown people.
Chris: I don't know why, but I feel safer already.
oh and I am a hard working, responsible, patriotic citizen. And I am very proud not to be a republican.
I'm not a democrat either, but think before you speak. I'm veryyy offended by the close-minded statements made here
No way in hell does our country need another democrat as president.....people are critical of Obama because he is actually a horrible president and the fact that ignorant democrats say that republicans don't like Obama is because he is black proves to me that you are just finding a way to make yourselves feel better about our incompetent president
I was the first comment and it makes me really happy to see that people are not all fucking dumb but the hippie libs will start comment around noon or one when they wake up haha
Hey they are right Bush didn't get nearly this level . He got much much worse. Hell it's been a year and they still blame him. President Bush had back bone . He didn't bow to any man unlike the secret
Muslim phoney in office now. Oh and btw no I'm not a republcan. And I am ESP not a demoncrates as I can think for myself.
Send them all packing both parties. Let's get average joes in office. Real hard working Americans. Also Stop letting the house boy run the plantation get him back working in the field where he belongs!
It's for the sake of comedy..... If you don't like it then don't read it..... But that doesn't mean you need to post how offensive you feel this is..... Lame
Being a democrat is so much better because I love having half my paycheck taken away so the government can give it to people who sit at homeall day and pop out babies they can't afford and hardl pay attention to so their welfare amount will increase. College age democrats are clueless wait til you start working in the real world and paying atonoftaxes!
Democrats are on thier way out anyway. They just had thier chance for "change" and fucked it up. See ya, hope you had fun! Now we have to repair the shitstorm you created.
The healthcare bill needs to be shot down. The govt needs to get out of our lives. You want social medical care then move to another country and get out of this one.
Republicans are great. Democrats aren't ALWAYS bad, but any I've met are lazy motherfuckers who are either reall poor or really rich. The country always seems happier when there is a republican president, everyone is fucking pissed right now.
Hmm I'm pretty fucking sure that this country's roots started off as basically modern day republicans. Hmm we've done pretty damn well so far huh? Oh yea ignorant democratic idealizing fucks
The US spends 17 percent of our GDP on healthcare. The next closest is ten. I'm not a fan of socialized healthcare but our system is extremely messed up. We have no understanding of the cost and this has caused it to skyrocket. Reform needs to happen, which many people dont understand. Go get an education before you make points that don't make any sense
Wow I just typed up some huge-ass rant about how much better Republicans are than Democrats and what a nice job Obama has done running our country into the ground. I also typed in a nice little "fuck you" to PETA and how I'm going to kill an extra deer this winter just for them. But the damn comment had too many characters!
Republicans are the most ignorant and disgusting people in this world. Look at these comments on here! Racism is rampant. Only whites should vote? Obama should be working on a plantation?? What the fuck is wrong with you ignorant assholes? Bush didn't get nearly this level of criticism and he ran the country much worse. What we really need is another bill Clinton!
How can you say that bush ran the country worse than Obama? Obama has been in there for a year. And frankly, he hasn't accomplished one thing he said he would before he won the election.
Obama got elected because of all the black people in our country that believed his bullshit about change. They were to focused on having a black man as president and not what really mattered, a GOOD president.
Did anyone stop and notice the people who fight the wars, the military, are mostly republican. Did anyone notice Obama spent more in one year then bush in 8? I thought Obama getting elected meant I didn't have to listen to the left whine and cry anymore.
Holy shit. Are you really saving that it was a BAD thing that this country abolished slavery? \nDude, seriously. You should have your ability to speak/type revoked if all thats coming out your mouth is racist nonsense.
umm, arnamentia, did it ever occur to you that this person might be looking to come off as extremely offensive? ur giving him/her exactly what he/she wanted. w2g
America was once the flagship of greatness. That was until political correctness, affirmative action, socialist programs like welfare, etc. At one time you could not vote if you were not a land owner . So if you didn't have a stake in the pot you didn't have a say. That needs to be brought back. It was better when only white land owners could decide who ran the country. Sorry but history tells that this is the truth. It needs to be that way again.
What happened to people who worked for what they get? Or does that not happen anymore? The country isn't fucked up cause of the government. It's the people the government run. Idiots. Maybe they'll learn when the government turns into fascism.
HAHA it's only 90% republicans commenting because all the republicans that read this automatically clenched their buttcheeks together and just HAD to get their word in in retaliation.
3:49 you are an uneducated wanker. I said that we need to stop letting the house boy run the plantation and put him back in the field where he belongs. Not put him on a plantation. It was a metaphor . Learn to read. Oh and Im not a republican or a democrat.
10:37- there's this thing in America... Taxes? Let's do it the Obama way though. Take from the people who work hard and contribute to society and the economy and give to the people who don't work are uneducated and won't have to pay more taxes.
Pepole don't understand republicans work for their money the Iraq war was started with Clinton a horribel democrat and Obama has tripeled the national debt demoracts are as bad as the show robot chicken
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