And on the eighth day, God created the piss infected cum bubble know as Pittsburgh. Eat shit and die Steeler fans. You suck this year and your QB is a rapist and one motorcycle ride away from being legally mentally retarded.
you kidding me? guess you didn't see the fumble recovery that would have a been a steeler touchdown if the red wouldn't have blown the whistle to soon...oh and Tomlin wasn't allowed to challenge...they must give shitty blowjobs
hm idk about your city. but here in Pittsburgh we got a superbowl championship and a stanley cup championship in the same year. it tastes great too. sucks for you baltimore
There's only one football team from PA worth a damn and it's surely not the steelers. Any team that drops five straight should be elimiated from playoff contention. Just goes to show you how crappy that division is.
i hate the Pats but i would choose them over STEELERS nd yet nd still I want either the Eagles to take it or possibly the Saints. Steelers could suck it nd Ravens r still alive with 1 win they n so im rootin for ravens too. FUck that anybody but steelers
Hah...the 715 area code is a Western/Central Wisconsin code. Not sure why they would care about either team...unless this is an extremely old text from when the Packers played the Steelers.
Ravens can suck a let's think bout this, steelers have 6 superbowls ravens 1, steelers have 7 conference championships ravens 1, steelers have 19 divisional championships ravens I said ravens can suck a dick
what about the 2 penalties that werent called on the ravens, intential grounding on flaaco and tripping, AND the fumble that the steelers retrieved.. you either love the steelers or hate em'... but until you have 6 you cant say shit!
The Steelers do get game changing calls against them. Do you not remember the Troy interception that was called back at the Indy game in the 2005 playoffs? The NFL later apologized and admitted the refs were wrong -- that happens less than once a season. But guess what? The Steelers still won that game, and other like it. The is the difference between a mediocre team, like the Ravens, and a great team, like the Steelers. The great teams will still find a way to win the game.
Wow it must suck to be a purple peeter puffer you dumb fuckin Baltimore fan. How did you feel after the afc championship last year and after we won the super bowl for the SIXTH time! Douche bag!
Yeah... 6 superbowl championships...if you count the one against ARIZONA which was GIVEN to them by the refs! That was one of the most contoversial "touchdowns" I've ever seen. WOW
you are all a bunch of fucking retards.. Tom Brady and the Pats are about to tear shit up in the playoffs. Every team in the league will piss their pants if they have to face New England. Wes Welker gets bitches.
Fuck you.....steelers are the best team in the nfl....yea so what..they have the superbowl hangover....but who has 6 rings??? thats all talent on that need to suck off the refs for us to win....
"Steelers are the shit and everyone else just got shited one. Steele rain"
1)They were swept by the Bengals
2)They lost to the BROWNS
3)They lost to the BROWNS
4)Ben Roethlisberger is a fat piece of shit
I've already made a post at 1:03am and I'll say it again the fans don't have the fucking super bowl rings you stupid motherfuckers the fucking team has the six super bowl rings for fucking christ why the fuck are we talking about this the steelers suck dick this year no debate but overall they are one of the best teams in history. Thanx for listining to my rant
So funny...we may not make playoffs this year but we have won 2 of the last 4 superbowls...what team can even say they've made it to two of the last 4 superbowls let alone win both of all u haters....go suck ur thumb n pout....oh wait...if u were a steelers fan if be sucking on a ring no matter what finger u were sucking....
Is it just me, or is it that I wouldn't mind the steelers as much except for the fact that all their goddam fans are so stuck up? "oh we've got 6 championships", "ohh were just hot shit". That's what fucking pisses me off, be a good sport and respect that you've got a good team but don't put your shit on other peoples table's we really don't want to hear it
For all you teams out there that have been around for "less than 13 years" get over it. The Steelers still have won more Superbowl in that time frame than your team (excluding the PATS).
clearly the non-steeler fans on here are bitter because the steelers have won six superbowls. I would be pretty pissed too if i rooted for another team. so, we lost to the browns... we're not having the best season, but so what? we beat the packers and the ravens and probably the dolphins next week too. but it's not ok to accuse them of cheating, even if it was a joke. and the people on here... lighten up
This is classic not the back and forth between the steeler and ravens fans but some jack off actually put up go lions lol someone in detroit has some good weed
Sorry but in both superbowl wins there were some horrible calls.....all helping shitsburgh....shit if they threw the flag on Holmes for his excessive celebration the cards would have been closer at their final drive....instead of throwing bombs from the 30 to try and score a winning td...they would have been at the 15
its cool? i've liked them when they did horrible. ya i agree there are fans out there that are annoying and only like them when they win but most of them aren't like that. I'm sorry some of them give us a bad rep. but don't tell me everyone is like that...
The game was bullshit but the steelers can take it because guess who's still not making to the playoffs even if they beat Miami, oh yeah that's right it is the steelers.
Not once did I support what others are saying about the steelers. I hate when people ate cocky, there's a fine line between being supportive and cocky and almost every steelers fan I know crosses that line. And I live right outside of baltimore, so I get upset when people that live in Baltimore, and support the steelers go put that shit on my table
Squealers didn't win Sunday. The Ravens beat themselves. Ben was on the field like 5 mins the whole second half. Either way, Ravens will be in playoffs and Steelers won't. How bout that?
Don't be hating! Why is everyone so uptight about this? Go with the what if Big Ben was accused of raping some chick, which clearly means he's straight... but he's still a good player, and that's all that counts.
lls. yall are on some other shit. the steelers had a few embarrassing losses. real talk if yall want to get technical I'm pretty positive they are the only team in the nfl with 6 superbowl wins. so all yall can fuck yourself cuz the steelers are champions. all the damn injuries we faced this season and we still got the same record as fuckin baltimore...see us next season.
This is why I hate Ravens fans.
Every time you lose you find SOMEONE else to blame and you don't stop crying and whining about it.
The Steelers get fucked over on penalties all the fucking time but do you hear Steelers fans bitching and whining about it after the game?
Get over yourselves.
6:11 EVERY TEAM'S FANS BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!!! it takes a few asshole fans to give the entire team a bad name....including every team anyone mentioned above. if you lose, you bitch. grow a set and accept it people. steelers fans bitch, but hey ravens fans are bitching now. browns fans bitch. eagles fans bitch. colts fans bitch. patriots fans bitch etc. etc. ACCEPT IF YOUR TEAM LOSES!!!!!! (i'm a steelers fan, and the team dug themselves a hole this season)
you know, for all of y'all that say the great steelers are the best, didn't they just get their asses handed to them by the Browns? Ya thats what I thought. Shut up and suck it long, just like the refs like it
HAHA YES. As a loyal Baltimore Ravens fan, that game was FUBAR.
We don't fuck around here in Baltimore. Every time we see someone with Maryland tags but Steelers decals, we fuck their cars up. etc. etc. etc. We win. Btw, Dundalk ftw.
To all of you people who keep saying we're jealous the Steelers have 6 superbowl wins...FUCK YOU!! We are not talking about the golden years. we're talking about this year where the steelers are blowing the refs to get their wins and might i add...lost 5 straight games still!!
i guess some people are jealous of the SIX super bowl rings and cant admit that its a penalty when it happens..and for all you guys talkin about the superbowl, it was a good game, steelers were the better team and the refs had nothing to do with it
Doesn't matter how lob they've been aroud there has only been 43 super bowls. Many teams have been around that long. If your not a stillerz fan there's nothing to do but hate but it's cool we understand
It's alright steelers fans... Baltimore lost the game and they need something to blame it on. The penalties were called because the ravens got them. None of the calls were bullshit calls. And the for sure catch in the endzone that wasn't caught? Gonna blame that on the refs too? Blaming games on the refs is a loser pussy thing to do. Ravens lost get over it
six superbowls...over like 70some years..good for you youre still the shitsburgh squealers and you guys blow the refs before, during and after the game to get your way so shut your mouth dickweed
First of all you fucking retarded mother fuckers you haven't won shit and you don't have shit the team has the six super bowl wins not the fucking fans so stop saying u have six super bowl wins god
How great will it be when the Ravens choke next week and Pittsburgh gets the wild card slot and both the Steelers and Penguins have repeat championships? Fuck all you tards that live in cities with shitty teams, it ain't our fault.
HAHA SUCK MAJOR DICK STEELERS AND FANS WHODEY THE CINCINNATI BENGALS AFC NORTH CHAMPS 6-0 WOOOOHOOOO the shitsburgh steelers that should be their new name with Ben worthlessburger at qb
I'd be bitter too if I wasn't a steelers fan. How does it feel to live in steeler nation? How does it feel to have steeler fans invade your home stadiums? How does it feel to wear cheese on your head to support your joke of a team? No wonder Favre abandoned your team. Then signed with your rival. Then beat you twice. Yea, I'd be pretty bitter too.
Suck adick and get over that theres is a team that wins based purely on skill. It's not the steelers fault that AZ was fucking retarded enough to not keep fitzgerald in the entire time.
People bitch about the six rings because you never shut the hell up about them whenever anyone says something about the steelers that was then this is now and now you suck try again next year
1:00 If you're refering to 12:58 saying the cool thing, they said "give me a real Pittsburgh fan and we're cool." Not ALL fans. Just the overly annoying fake ones. how many Superbowls do the Eagles have to choke before we eliminate that team from future Superbowl contention?
Every team has bad seasons. The Eagles certainly have had their share. Go Steelers!
6:06 Steelers never get fucked over on penalties...ever!!! Ref hand them the games on a silver platter everytime they win! They wont make it out of the regular season and will be sitting at home watching the Vikings win it all!!
if the op actually watched the game they might have seen the clear fumble the refs also decided not to call. so maybe the ravens were also s'n some d.
You dont have to have a Baltimore or Arizona area code to hate the steelers! I watch them get every bull shit call every single stupid game they play & they STILL cant make the post season! Go Vikings!
oh please steelers fans...there was only one team out there yesterday capable of beating the ravens, and that was the ravens. they beat themselves. steelers played like shit, ben doucheburger was on the sideline for 95% of the second half. your team is also old as shit, its not surprising you managed to win a couple championships. my granda has achieved a few things in her lifetime too.
Hey 12:42, no one gives a shit about the stanley cup except for pittsburgians and canadians. There's a reason why it's the least popular of the 4 pro sports in the US, and it's not even close. Hockey blows
Ha Ha Ha ha hahahahahahaha...
Steelers fans are about the only true nfl fans, along with packers, Eagles, Raiders- yeah i said it they have badass fucking fans even when they are bad. they are crazy, along with their owner. and other teams are ban wagoneirs.
about 75% of Pat fans are the real posers.
The Ravens also have good fan base they just bitch all the time because the Steelers are the best team ever and they cant even win their own division.
12:42 - we can't win the stanley cup because we don't have a hockey team and if we did then im pretty sure we would kick your ass....
and the steelers lost to not only the browns but also the chiefs AND they are the luckiest fucking team ever with a rapist for a quarter back.....
im pretty sure that if our team had been around for as long as yall have then we would have as many superbowls.....and yall probably gave the refs head before after and during each and everyone of the superbowls
AYO BITCH. HOW FUCKIN MAD ARE YOU THAT WE GOT 6 RINGS. no blowjob can get that. that means we daaa beeesst. you pussies in wisconsin are probably used to failure so i understand the shit you must talk to other people in order to higher yourself. how many superbowls have you won? SO BITCH. SIT DOWN. AND ENJOY WATCHING THE STEELERS WINNING MOREEE RINGSSSS. PEAACEE <3
I like the cowboys and the Vikings, I really could care less if they win or lose, I just like watching them play, but I think it would be great for the Vikings to win the superbowl this year, so the Brett father time favre could get another super bowl ring and make everyone feel like cocksmiths (including me)
The reason everyone hates the Steelers is because you goddamn fans are cocky as shit! You're annoying. Just shut up and plus we all know you only like them because it's the "cool" thing to do. Give me a real Pittsburgh fan and we're cool. All you fake bitches are the ones giving the bad rep.
you can all go eat shit and die. When you have players as good as ours, you can be smartasses. Until there's ANY team that matches us, you're all shitheads.
The steelers are awsome! You guys r just jealous cuz we have 6 super bowl rings and the only one fiving blow jobs are the eagles cowboys and gaints so put tht in ur juice box and suck it!!!!
That was then this is now....the only way you could get in the playoffs now is to sell those rings to the refs and give them more head because this year you suck.
Steelers are the shit! Everyone else is just hating. And if steeler fans are cocky they have every right to be, if your fav team had 6 rings under your belt you'd be cocky too. An they've got The best looking team ... (yes I'm a girl) Troy Palomalu's hair flying down the field 50mph gets my pussy wet ...
Guys, don't be so god damn jealous. Everyone's just mad that the Steelers have won the superbowl 6 times, and the rest of you losers haven't. Don't get so mad.
Steelers have the widest and most loyal fanbase because they are the best football team in the world.
Sure this isnt their best year, but they've got to let the other teams feel special sometimes.
Wow. A town as big as Pittsburgh can have a big fanbase. NEAT. What about a town like green bay packing the stands EVERY game - no matter how cold it is or what kind of season it is. Now THAT is impressive. And I agree that "catch" in the superbowl was a JOKE.
I don't understand why these idiot ravens fans are bringing up the fact that our other superbiwls came years ago. We have won 2 in the last four years, we beat you three times last year, and with a starting quarterback probably would have swept you again this year.
Roethlisberger got 2 rings in 5 years so everyone who I'd hatin step back and look what your team has done since then..... Chances are prolly nothin haha go stillers or kill yourself!!!!
1:39 If you wanna blame anyone try blaming dumbass Derek Mason. Who smiles after losing the game for their team.
HAHA SOOOOOOO TRUE. WTF was that about. He should have hung his head in shame.
steelers fans need to shut up about 6 superbowl wins. obviously a team thats been around for over 70 years is gonna have more than a team thats been aroud for 13 years. shut the hell up
Ahahaha 'pats' 'ravens' 'steelers' go fuck yourself yanks! Stop arguing about your shitty little game, move to England and watch the premier league. Athletes needing to put massive pads on in case they hurt themselves ahahaha stupid fucking yanky crap
haha Dundalk!! Totally Middle River chick here....anyway my Facebook status said something very similar to this but it was about Ben getting on his knees during half time. Just sayin... someone who was actually at the game....the whole reffing situation was bullshit from play one....either way steelers won n so what if we've had a rough season...we still have one for the OTHER while all u bitches r getting over ur childhood thumb sucking issues why don't u stop hating on the best team in NFL history
NFL sucks. There's so much showboating it makes me wish football was like what it used to be. Anyone who likes football is better off with NCAA. descent players even from the best teams such as Alabama and Texas.
Fuck all you Ravens haters. They should of won yesterday. Yeah, they made some mistakes. The refs took away three of their touchdowns! They were legit touchdowns. The refs were just defending Shittsburgh because they're all butt buddies.
(715) isnt even a Baltimore area code so for your artards that called this person a baltimoron and critize them for where they live you dont even know what your talking about! And yes some penalties should have been called, but really they do blow the refs!
Steelers get fucked over on penalties? When? I have hardly seen a game changing penalty go against the Steelers. I first realized they blow the refs before the game, during halftime, and after the game in that Seahawks-Steelers superbowl game a couple years back. As a result, the Steelers are the only team in the NFL that I actually hate with a passion. I just want a damn clean game of football.
I'm sorry but we have 6 superbowl rings, many do your teams have..we're having one bad season and we were struggling in some games. get over yourselves we're a great team..remind me to get on your ass when you have a bad season after the sixth superbowl..but i doubt you'll ever get that many
I love when you call a current team shitty and the other person has to resort to bringing up past superbowls. We aren't talking about that dumbshits, the stealers fucking blow now and that was a bullshit game. Go falcons.
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