Woo pig sooie! Current student who wouldn't want to be anywhere else! And for the Fayetteville , NC people... What does that town have to offer again? Really?
I'm the guy who said Arkansas was hillbilly. I'm from Alabama, part hillbilly actually. But nc probably has more hillbillies than ar. Nc has te most hillbillies. But they are like the special forces capital
NC is is way more kickass than hillbilly arkansas. And I know this is from arkansas, but just saying, home of the green berets, airborne rangers, and DELTA FORCE!
Not from Shotz, I was there. Sad I missed it though. And how dare Fay NC people to call Fayetteville, Ar residents rednecks when one of their own stated that Fay NC had better titty bars and pawn shops as a deciding factor over which town was superior. WOW. Classy, NC, really classy.
I know a guy who goes to u of a ab blocked off weddington with traffis cones, climbed a radio station tower, and wrecked his car tryin to e break in a curve all in one weekend.. Goo hogs go
1:06, I'm gonna guess you're ignorant too. Because only an ignorant person would even think about saying "fucking ignorant" and other people were talking about class. Look at that mentally challenged little pedophile over there
7:15 - Cabot Arkansas is the most boring place I've ever had the misfourtune of going to, Fayettevulle Arkansas for the win, I'm betting this is from Shotz
Whoever said Fayetteville, AR is hick is ridiculous.. yeah AR has its shady areas, but what state doesn't? Born and raised in Fayetteville, AR, and I have traveled all over the U.S., and am so thankful I live here. Other than the people who pee in others' drinks, Fayetteville, Arkansas has more southern hospitality and class than anywhere else. Go HOGS!
Oh I get it! This is funny because the OP peed in the girl's drink because the girl was impersonating a character from a tv show and they thought it was annoying.
yeah whoever said fayetteville was hick yeah theres' some hicks there but its arkansas for god sake. Go to southeast arkansas if you want real hicks. 479 all the way born and raised. btw what bar was this at i wonder ? prolly 21st amendment or Z .
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