You should have immediately French kissed the Jesus freak who asked you that question, regardless of gender. They would have been so aroused and excited they would have gone back to their Jesus freak room, thrown out all their Jesus freak shit, replaced it with online porn and sought you out to thank you. Trust me on this one.
Jesus people asked me if I agreed with premarital sex and I pointed out to random kids in the park and sed their mine lol I was like 15 so she was so shockedd!!
do you godly people on here not read any of these texts on the website? the vast majority are "disrespectful"/inappropriate/disgusting/effing hilarious. get used to it.
haha I said that one time, then one of the kids pulled out a bible and started reading verses to me.... i tried to leave, but he followed me to my dorm...
it was fucking messed up
jesus was just a heritic who preached hope to the hopeless in a dark time. Then he died and had elaborately embelished stories written about him and his life....
"I, Jesus Christ, am a bunch of made up bullshit designed by parents to keep my kids from having sex, swearing, and drinking. I suck massive dick." From the book of Logic
Man why is everyone hatin on Jesus? If a mailman fucked up a letter you were supposed to get, you wouldn't be mad at the sender would you? I think you kinda overreacted bro but hey it's your choice. I'm a Christian and a virgin by choice, but I bet it'd not every day you hear a Christian say fuck. Dont group us all togeter not all of us are like that
im christian and even i think that this is funny. i dont like when people force things on you,especially religion so0o =] you did the right thing. besides...its not like you lied anyway
I'm not a super Jesus freak and I've gotten laid before. I beleive in god but hate these people that force it on others. They give a bad name to the people who give people a choice.
Hahaha this is hilarious. If you don't believe in god you're not too worried about disrespecting him. It's just so much fun sometimes messing with the super Christian people
God created sex. It's sad that the world turned this wonderful gift to lust. Don't you think that it's funny that we Christians are much happier than ppl who do whatever they want. It's alright, they'll get it one day. Hopefully sooner than later.
I agree 6:19. I hate that. We aren't all asses. Some of us live normal lives and believe in god and try to live our lives the best way. A lot of Christians judge people and I'm sorry for them ruining religion for l you who hate religious people.
I don't belive in god, so i poke fun at him, just like I do all other primitive religions like Christianity, judiisam ect. Except budists cuz they are the only religion that is trully peacefull and you gotta respect that.
Agreed. Gotta love the 847! That's where I'm at and Jesus people attack me to. Reading this I have some ammo. Why the hell do religous fanatics have to try to convert? Because of awesome responses like that of 847, and the joy that such responses give to us 'sacreligous folk'!!! Haha
11:32, ok apparently I need to specify that I'm a lesbian. But why should you care about the health and state of my anus anyway? You're too kind :)
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