What happened to the days where drunks were thrown in jail to sober their ass up? I your stupid enough to get that drunk you don't deserve to take up a hospital bed.
I pay my taxes. And being unemployed or disabled doesn't make you a 'suck hole'. We provide free healthcare to those who can't afford it. How is that not free?
haha the republicans fucked us over. supporting businesses over workers and wanting to let insurances still deny based on pre-existing conditions. fuck that! we're americans, we deserve better.
If you're putting it in your body, know how to spell it. And stop wasting time when people who are actually sick wait for hours to see someone in the ER.
You love having the RIGHT insurance. I have CIGNA Starbridge, and that would have cost a 30% co-insurance, and whatever I pay depends on what the hospital decides is the price for each treatment, that can vary hundreds of dollars.
Wow people need to chill the fuck out we have health care for a reason he prob was taken to the er because he over drank most of yal don't even know how health care works so shut it
yeah im the op and they gave me a 20 gauge needle for "wasting" there time. even though i was in actual need of medical attention. maybe i did put myself in that situation but at least i was smart enough to get myself to a hospital
I'm surprised nobody has pointed this out, but it is "phenergan". Named after the Phen Ergan, the woman who discovered it by dutifully eating anything her friends fed her during a hangover. Turns out that radishes mixed with baking soda do the trick.
It's great how the doctors are explaining to the rest of us how to spell this drug name when the rest of us don't give a fuck because we just spell it the way the doctor says it to us
bahahahah to 2:09!!! I love Anchorman. Hey everybody fighting, let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya...but before that happens, all sticks must be removed from all asses :)
10.09 I'm not a fool - healthcare is free to the unemployed, elderly, permanantly disabled and pregnant. The rest of us pay for it with taxes, byt we pay far less than it actually costs. In America, the poor have to do without or rely on charity if they are able to. It's pretty easy to see which system is better.
1) if you lived in the UK like me you wouldn't have to pay anything (and yet Palin thinks our free healthcare system is 'evil'),. 2) learn to handle your drink and stop being an idiot and tying up an ER bed when someone worthwhile could actually use it.
I would also like to add as another ER RN that you, my idiot little friend without any sense of control for your behavior, will also get a 14 gauge IV for wasting my freaking time.
5:48.. I'm the same RN that posted before... they just don't get it... maybe they will when they have a broken ankle and have to wait 3 hours to be seen because our beds are all filled with druggies and drunks.
By the way, not having a national insurance plan is not free. It costs us in terms of worker production as well disincentive for small business among a plethora of other things. Not having national coverage also costs tax money
As a Canadian, I pay $1900 a year total for the health care of myself, my wife, my child.
I make 60,000, and pay $12,000 in taxes. 16% of all taxes go to health care. Ergo, I pay 16% times $12,000 for our health care. ($1,920).
So, I'm middle class and pay less than $2,000 for the 3 of us.
What up America?
Okay so just because he said he didn't have a hangover does NOT mean he went in the ER from drinking too much. He could have had a legitimate reason. He just meant he got all loopy and shit and passed out and didn't have to pay for it with a hangover. Think twice before you judge.
All of you dumbasses who are against universal health care need to watch the movie "Sicko," and you'll see how good the French, Brits and Canadians have it!
I don't mind taxes... when taxes do something for me. Lower cost of higher education, healthcare, policemen, firemen, etc. Americans pay for a war, pay off their debt to other countries, and still have potholes EVERYWHERE! Americans, hold your politicians accountable, and get something from your taxes!
4:28 I wish I could find you and hug you. That was perfectly spelled out for all those dames liberals Jo don't know what the hell natioalized healthcare will do to this country.
I'm British, so the NHS has had to sort out my drunk arse before. I got obscenely trashed in the states ... $1,000 bill. Yow.
I still consider it one of my finer moments. My Dad, who got a phonecall asking for it to be paid, doesn't.
10:24...you are less of a priority if you CHOOSE to put that much alcohol into your body. No one chooses to break a leg. As another RN, I agree with the ER nurse above. And those "run to the ER" types usually happen to be the same people who bitch about ER wait times.
2:40 and 3:51- Phenergan is an antihistamine- it doesn't get you high- it makes you stop vomiting and may make you sleepy. Showing up at the ER needing antiemetics doesn't make you drug-seeking.
You just agreed it's paid for with taxes please stop using the word "free". Simpley because another individual pays for you doesn't make it free; it makes you a suck hole on societey. Yay they're all taken care of!!! I bet it makes you feel all nice inside knowing that.
Those of you for universal healthcare r idiots I have gov. run medi-cal and I hurt my back about 3 months back so badly I can't pick upmy son w/o medication and need an MRI but the government plan will take 2 months to approve it and won't pay for anymore of my meds. As soon as I can return to work I will and get off of this shorty insurance...but why would anyone want everyone. To be subject to this?
Wanna know what's great 4 hour nap in hospital 2 iv bags and 3 shots of morphine and a hot blanket all for $10 again no hangover . Thank you god for the kindney stones last month the month befor that and the migrane this month that allowed this to happen :)
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