just read twilight to her over the phone, while in the bathtub, candlelight...i'd love to say no homo but that was so gay.
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I'm just sick of twilight texts, nothing against the books these texts are just not funny any more and everyone knows it
Um that was homosexual not as a slander against gays so 6:25 chill the fuck out
It's not about homosexuality or heterosexuality, it's about how amazingly stupid Twilight is and how you are now less intelligent for having read it to anyone, let alone to someone with whom you are sleeping.
7:27-- go read a fucking dictionary.
Hopefully the sex is worth it
lmao, 6:46 made my day
This person is the anti-frat
Can you say pussy whipped
straight up ignorance.
This is lame. That must have been a long ass phone call
how did you get talked into that?
the fact u own a twilight makes u a bitch let alone reading it
In soviet russia homos are left on the sides of mountains to die.
Only when the power is out is it okay for a guy to read in the bath by candlelight. Listen to your friend.
You're a disgrace to the Chicagoland area
insta fail
Haha at least you realize it!
Please turn in your man card
No homo is an offensive phrase. It seems very homophobic to always be defening ones sexuality. Otherwise, the advice in the text is sickingly sappy.
No in the USSR they where thrown in prison
You can't say no homo to that.. It's tru lol.
actually..the person who posted this is a girl...dumbasses....that's why it says no homo
That shits hilarious.
Why would you even date someone that likes twilight? She's probably 12 and your 20. Gtfo with that stupid shit.
Wow fuck u. That is the gayest thing I've ever heard
8:12 has it! gays shouldnt exist. yuor DNA is fucked, so go away
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