Hahahaha hilarious! All you people bitching about domestic violence - get the stick out of your ass and get off TFLN! No one gives a shit, the stuff posted here is not supposed to be taken offensively. If you find this so damn offensive, why are you still on the page discussing it?
Who cares!! Techically it's still a text from last night and technically it's still funny as he'll so just laugh people and stop being so political!!!!!
this shit isn't called original text from last night... its called text from last night... please take the sticks out your asses people its funny regardless
5:19, the quote was directed at someone, therefore needed to be altered for the purpose of the recipiant understanding it. The recipiant probably does not watch that show, thought it was funny, and posted it here. The moderator probably does not watch that show, thought it was funny, and posted it here.
7:32 yeah try sending a funny well known quote or joke or a chain text and see if it gets through. it won't they only let them through on accident. They claim they go quality not quantity I would prefer myself they let alot more through. If these texts are even written by us and not them.
8:42- Maybe because the fact that Chris Brown beat his gf happened how many months ago now??? I'd say that's old news...
Come off it! I hate how people on here take the damn texts so seriously!! BREATHE!
7:43 so you're saying you think they don't let other peoples texts in, just what they think of themselves? I have submitted 2 different texts and nothing...
Good to see the TFLN police are on their game because clearly people aren't allowed to text quotes to eachother... Fucking losers... Who gives a shit if it's from a show???
One mistake that was beating the crap out of his girlfriend. Which is inexcusable. And this text is making a joke not about anything else Chris Brown has done, but specifically that instance. There is NOTHING funny about what he did. The man deserves to be in jail. Making jokes about what he did only creates an atmosphere where people believe it is okay to abuse their partners. Why? Because people like you are saying that it is okay
Honestly never heard of parks and recreation in my life. If this wasn't posted i never would have heard it and wouldn't have laughed my ass off. I want to meet whoever thought of this...good stuff...
It was a fucking text. The OP wasnt saying the actual quote from the show. He was TEXTING someone and altered the quote for it to make sense in the text
Ficking idiots just bitch Try to find the dumbest shit to bitch about
I'm disturbed that more people are offended by the fact that this was a quoted text than the fact that they are making light of the fact that Chris Brown abused his girlfriend...
dude who the hell cares if its from a show, its funny... why can't u people jus laugh and move on... thats what this website is about ne way.. chill the eff out!
Why are people saying this isn't funny or that this is fake. Maybe they saw the show and saw a good oppotunity to make a refrence to tye funny show to make their text funny. People text people with show refrences all the time.
shut the fuck up everyone.. who cares if its from a show?? the OP thought it was funny, and texted it to someone, most likely last night, thus it is a text from last night. so stop bitching. its funny
ok for all you asshats: it was probably sent as a joke like obviously they knew it was from tv. btw, if no one ever took anything and redid it, we wouldn't have half the shit we have today. stop trying to be such hipsters.
8;54 so he made one mistake, eh? Ok say he didn't do that but instead he shot her... Is it still one mistake, let's drop it? No it's not, and they are both bad, so let's not drop it.
You guys are freaking morons. It is funny. And it isnt as though the person who posted it is trying to pull it off as their own joke. TFLN is conversations b/t people that someone puts one here. Its everyday language. and it isnt as though this was a thought out joke trying to impress people. get a life! Its not like when someone says "thats whats she said" you say OMG you stole that from the office and are trying to pull it off as your own.
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