Freedom of speech doesn't mean there are no consequences for saying whatever you want. If you say something that makes someone want to deck you, you'll still end up on the floor. You just won't be arrested afterwards.
Freedom of speech is not equivalent to having the right to say what you want, where you want, when you want. For instance, "I just planted a bomb in the bathroom." at home it means, don't go in there; at an airport it means, I wish I were a prison bitch
I'm proudly in the Army and this is the kind of thing that kills out moral...I would do whatever it takes to protect this country and people like this would rather sit back and say those things while they live in this great country that gives them so much
Although the guy does have freedom of speech to say what he wants, I can't believe that douche said it during the national anthem. My boyfriend is a marine, he's fighting to prove that no one fucks with America! Man, you're my idol. But yea this guy needs to be more then decked.
Thanks, Starphyre! Perfect comment. And while Americans keep staring at their own bellybuttons, let me just ask... What kind of "kick ass" country would steal a WHOLE CONTINENT's name to define itself?
Stfu 1132 u liberal bastard you're just a
coward take away the soldiers and were dead!
The military is underpaid to help protect the
Rights and freedom of inconsiderate
Unappreciative sons of crackhead bitches like
You! People are rolling in their graves
Actually, that type of speech is not protected under the circumstances. Speech that constitutes "fighting words," speech that would reasonably lead to violence can be prohibited. Saying fuck America during the national anthem would quite likely lead people to violence.
10:36, Freedom of speech I agree with, but WHY do we have freedom of speech? It's America, and we have the bill of rights fuck head! In other countries, you can be killed for saying bad things about the country's leaders.
11:00, contrary to how Fox News depicts the world, not every event that occurs is similar to Hitler's Germany. Everyone who disagrees with you is not necessarily a Nazi.
I'm not one of those douche bags who thinks america is better then everyone else, and thinks that we don't need help from other countries, etc... but saying fuck america during the national anthem is wrong..and if you hate this country so much, then why live here? go somewhere else...there are people in other countries who would be glad to take your place rather than live in fear every night
uhhhhh... Ever thought that the guy may have been a TOURIST, bringing his hard earned money to help bring the USA's crashing economy back on track? He probably has already left the country. Hopefully, not before pressing charges against the gorilla who hit him.
I don't understand people booing America it's like you don't like it her move somewhere fucking else and yeah I suppose you have the freedom of speech but it doesn't mean I want to hear it. High five for decking him
And's not about fucking geography it's about the freedoms this country was founded on and the asshole shouting fuck it is going against everything we stand for...too ignorant to see that? Clearly
SHUT UP. These are drunk/stupid/funny/sometimes fake texts, posted here for your entertainment. if it made you laugh - great. if it made you pissed, fine - move on to the next one and let it go. give it the thumbs-down. but don't expect to change anyone's ignorant minds on this site or to have a debate. get fucking serious.
Learn our Constitution and Bill of Rights, guys. In this instance, the Fuck America guy DOES NOT have the protection of freedom of speech. Saying shit like that IS NOT protected and CAN get you arrested.
To everyone refering to the OP using violence to "enforce" nationalism: it's not enforcement if it's not the government doing it. Citizens don't enforce the law or goverment policy. The event security could have (should have?) erred on the side of caution and threw both parties out, but the guy inciting shit def should have been thrown out. If you don't like America you're free to leave, though no one should be able to force you to leave if you're here legally.
I must say I love America, but at the same time I hate the arrogence of some of our citizens. I hate to say it to all those soldiers, but you are not really fighting for the well being of the country anymore. You are simply fighting for the agenda of our leaders and those with influence, our military is a source of great pride, but it is also a great source of shame. I can begin to describe some of the atrocities our military has done in the name of protecting this nation.
Anyone who has absolutely no sense of patriotism or national pride. Just fucking leave go anywhere we don't give a shit. Some of us gave four years so you can be ignorant.
Bravo sir. Well played!!!! Fuck you if you don't like the soil you call home. Find another country where you can do all the things you do here and have them still be misdemeanors
November 15 10:36am: First off freedom of speech protects you from the government not other people, second of all he can hit him if he wants to, third, if the dude hates america so much he should find some other fucking place to live, in other countries you could be put in prison for that statement alone....
FUCK AMERICA - fuck how fat all of you are like seriously exercise - the gov is fucked up too new government would make this a nicer country and less fat ass ppl who are so fat they can't walk on their own fucking feet
I gave my time. You shouldn't have fill citizenship rights unless you serve. Maybe you should walk a mile in my boots. Our poverty level is 17k a year some places ive been that's 20 times their GDP
Fuck that asshole. He deserved it. America is still the light if the world - even when everyone hates us, they still love us. We are all Americans. It's a fucking brilliant country.
This world is fucked up. Freedom of speech is your right to say anything (except threats). not you right to have everyone agree. I would have curb stomped his ass.
Freedom of speech is a right, yes, but shouting it DURING the national anthem? There's no reason to do that unless you're just trying to stir things up. I don't see the issue with removing someone who I clearly demonstrating confrontational behavior.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. -- Samuel Johnson
Way to go, hitting people who pose you no threat whatsoever. You must be proud of yourself, you coward.
While this is America and we do have freedom of speech the OP was also using one of his rights, the pusuit of happiness. I know that is kind of a stretch, but the guy had to know what was going to happen. And to all those people saying that America is terrible for something like this happening, if someone where to say "fuck England" during God Save The Queen at a soccer, thats right it's soccer, match then what do you think would happen to them?
i guarantee that if the guy had said:
"I just decked a dude who showed up to a black pride rally with a pillow case on his head and they threw him the fuck out" no body would be saying shit about the dude with the pillow cases's freedom of speech.
in either situation I would have decked the dude but I guess in the end that's still not the right thing to do.
Can't we all just love each other?
FUCK YOU liberal pussies. You are the downfall to a country that was once great and prosperous...lok at us now in more turmoil in a long time...maybe ever
I bet my ass you have never lived anywhere else. I also bet my ass you watch Fox News everynight, as well as the reruns and then Tivos it to watch it yet once again.
Typical American sentiment. In the meantime, this "great" country is the only one in the history of the world to kill over 50,000 civilians with 2 atomic bombs. Way to go, proud Americans!
Quit Reacting ya hairy fucks... The asshole got SERVED and let that shit go... These foreign guys are trying to get you all to blow up and get prideful
RoseNylund is an absolute dick. America is a country, north American and south America are continents. Also, we killed 50,000 people with 2 bombs but we also have been considered "global peacekeepers"
I love politics, I'm left wing I suppose, because I'm not a Christian and I don't want to kill minorities and gays or whatever the fuck republicans are said to want by democrats. But sometimes the government has to step up and do what's right for the country it governs. Our government needs to look out for us, and not be the mediator between random assbackwards countries in fucking bumfucking nowhere
I apolgize that your your friends felt that way 1236. Do not get it confused. I always support the troops themselves. I do not however always support the war or campaign they are fighting. However I will say this again, most Americans simply do not understand some of the hidden motives for fighting where we are.
I think it's fuckin funny as hell when people say "fuck America".. Like WTF did we ever do that other civilizations have never done.. All those kids are fuckin stubborn losers that need to be thankful for the shit they have
Everyone saying fuck america can get the fuck out of this country! I'd love to see their dumbasses spend a week in another country like iraq or africa...i guarantee they would appreciate this country after that. Go to hell you unpatriotic pieces of shit
I hope everyone in this feed who said fuck America doesn't live in America. If you do, get the fuck out and try china, India, Mexico or any number of poor, religously and socialy repressed countries and enjoy your pathetic life. Stop stealing all the benifits of being a real American.
Although I do agree that he was out of context by saying what he did, the guy shouldn't have decked him. In the end he only proved that hate breeds more hate which the world could certainly use much less of.
2:19, if you hate it so much here find some other place to live, because in case you haven't noticed, there are people from all over the world, who would rather work low paying jobs here, than live back where they came from, maybe you should start to think hey i have it pretty good here, that or get the fuck out, because we dont want you here
Actually 2:32 you can call for the overthrow of government, that is protected. It's also what sets America apart from dictatorships like Iran where they can cit your balls off and jam them down your throat for questioning the government
It's clear who the hippy tree hugging douches are in the thread. And you are an real American for hitting that guy. I hope you knocked him the fuck out.
Fiscal coservatism should be brought back to the forefront of politics. Or we can just keep giving out money on failed government institutions like welfare. That really teaches self reliance. Have more kids and well give you more money just ask octomom
11:24(2)'s got it right. The man that said Fuck America could actually have been arrested for saying it! "Fighting words", or words reasonably likely to incite violence, just as saying Fuck America clearly did when the OP took him out, are NOT a form of speech protected by the Bill of Rights. That guy's lucky that getting decked was all that happened to him. Fuckhead.
152...the other guy is right...holding shit like that against our own country is ridiculous and we have even paid retributions to the families of slaves and we (this country) have removed so much racism and turned it around and learned from our mistakes
Ur amazing! That fucker deserved to get the shit kicked out of him! If u don't like America then fucking leave!! Ppl are frigging nuts! I have fam that is, and was in the army, and it pisses me off when ppl trash talk America. It's like ppl are fighting in other countries to keep u safe. America is great.
I am so happy someone on here isn't a douche! Yay for you OP! I hope you get copious amounts of vagina for the rest of your life! You deserve it. And for all the cry babies whining about "violating freedom of speech", you're next bitches!
I totally agree with this. You shouldn't say something like that during the national anthem. It's such an ignorant way of voicing you opinion. And all those who keep putting down liberals, fuck you. Both my husband and I are liberals, and he is a US Marine! Does he not deserve the same respect as republicans, even though he's fighting and protecting this country with everyone else???
I'm American, and I know that the U.S. has done some really horrible things. I also know that I could be living in a much, much worse place. I'm glad I live in the U.S. and I show my patriotism on the 4th of July.
First off America is the suffix of two continent's names not a country you are talking about the United States so all of you saying "go America" shows how ignorant US citizens are. The fact you consider your selves privileged to call your selves America is the base of why the US os failing Germany FTW
1132/1245 ya and who are those fucking motives given by? Politicians that have no right or roll getting involved with military planning. When dumbass politicians do this they get our soldiers killed because a soldier does not have the priviledge of politics because regardless of rank they take orders so watch how you word things...ull get your ass knocked out too in the wrong place
Hahaha 12:03 you just wish you had our freedom!! Does your leader know your on the web?? Couldnt you lose a finger or something for not following all those rules?!?! It sure is nice to be free in the USA!!
Yeah 10:35 its a crying shame that you can actually do whatever the fuck you want which includes beating the shit out of others so actually go fuck yourself dumbass.
At 1:30. America is not a continent north America and south America is. And it's obviously fine to call USA America because when you say it everyone knows your takkin about the USA. There's no confustion so don't worry about it. Do you think your actually intellegent
Freedom includes tollerance and understanding, the OP obviously lacks both. Next he'll be punching kids with downsyndrome and kicking puppies that pee on the rug.
ok yes there is freedom of speech, but there are certain times not to express it. Such as yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. Yelling Fuck America during the national anthem is another instance is which you should use your better judgment and not say fuck america. If that person does not like America more power to him but he can express that in other avenues not during the National Anthem.
This is 12:21 am, and I made both of the posts. What I meant by the second was that saying "fuck America" was a slap in the face to our founding fathers and to the people who fought/are fighting for it. I did not mean that not being able to say it was a slap in the face to them. I should have been more clear, sorry.
I agree that it is impolite to say that during the anthem. But I dont believe violence is the way out..
Murder is the way out lol
America has its pros and cons, but I really enjoy going there..
1204 you ignorant fool. I am arguably the last person you can talk to about the military being underpaid, and quite frankly the majority of Americans do not understand some of the motives the soldiers we are fighting for. Also I always support the troops, I do not however always support the war. Again, it is unlikely you see it from the inside from the ranks of higher ups like I do. I doubt you care but if you want to get a real understanding of America's objective militarily then post an email address.
11:32, although no Military is perfect, the Military of the United States generally has good intentions. I can't say always, because the Western Expansion, but since then, the Military has gone to far away lands to bleed and die for OTHER people from another nation, without asking for anything in return... I was in Iraq for 15 months, and saw a buddy get killed saving a little girl. What have you done for anyone other than yourself?
1132 wow man it's people like you that have raised suicide rates in the military and trust me I friends are all soldiers and 2 of the 4 suicides were because they heard shit like u said and were convinced the citizens don't give a shit...go fuck yourself. Soldiers take orders or face legal's ur liberal fucking politicians who think they can control the military and get involved that give orders that are fucked up . U don't get it
What he said is covered under the first ammendment. You can't call for the overthrowal of the government, murder of others or "shout fire." that said, I would have hit him too.
Oh and for those of you who say America is intolerant, go live someone where you are put in prison, stoned, or executed for your individual beliefs. See how well that works out for you.
I don't think he should have "decked" him. But I do agree with the feeling behind it. It's a respect thing. You don't say "fuck america" during the NATIONAL ANTHEM!!!! That's horrible and shows how messed up our country is right now. I pray for all of our troops fighting for some of the people in our country.
America, although it has set a great example for the rest of the world and has great reason to be prideful about it, must accept that it simply is illogical that they continously remain the lone superpower. Also to those of you saying that those who don't agree are terrorist, you are just proving the arrogant part of the American stereotype correct.
.... who cares if the OP was right or wrong or what your views are (i'm not taking a side). make me laugh, TFLN and all the lame posters on this thread.
- Anonymous #847
Thank you for having enough patriotic pride to punch that motherfucker in the face. And to you Rose-something-or-other, why don't you STFU about our country, and quit getting your panties in a wad. Goddamn, just GTFO
11;07, if you really want to see a bad country try living w/ the Taliban in Afghanistan or al-quaeda in Iraq. You'll think twice about saying how bad this country is. Our goverment isn't perfect but it's much better than other places. You've got freedom. Enjoy it deushe.
if this is a Maryland Area code, maybe Annapalis and it was at a Navy game? that guy was asking to get punched, probably lucky thats all he got besides thrown out. Good job to the original poster.
If someone wants to say "Fuck America" they can do it at the right time in the right place under the right context, during the National Anthem is not the time or place. (And then I fully believe that they can leave the country if they hate it)
the original poster really needs to get a life. 'yea im so cool, im gonna beat the shit out of someone that has the right to free speech.' fuck you man.
Man fuck him I've lost more brothers in 6 years then he's met men and woman like me fight to defend there ignorant asses btw I'm PFC Zane Richards united states army mp thank you for your support
"Let's kill him! Let's send him to Cuba! Let's re-open Guantanamo Bay detention camp!"
You guys are the reason why the world is going so bad.
Open your eyes, United States is 1 on something like 226 countries. And stop calling it america, america is a fucking continent. You have the right to be proud, but that guy shouldn't have got kicked out because of your patriotism. Who cares after all, he was watching a sport event, not a military ceremony.
Thank you 11:24! This is hardly protected under freedom of speech! What the fuck man! I mean it all depends on who hears it whether they take it as a terrorist act of treason or a dipshit joke, but Stijl, it shouldn't be said at all. Someone deport that fucktard to Cuba.
He's lucky he only got the shit knocked out of him! In some other countrys, if you do that they kill you on the spot! That guy got what he deserved! And fuck all you anti- American assholes! I hope every last one of you leave so that this country can be heat again!
Douchebag. You shitheads can sit there spewing your "land of the free" and "under god" bullshit, but this guy can't state how HE feels? Freedom of speech, my ass.
Fuck America, and fuck you, OP.
This has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech. He can say Fuck America elsewhere if he wants, but yelling it during the National Anthem is highly disrespectful. There's a time and a place for everything.
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