It's upsetting that their friend decided to joke about their eating disorder instead of helping them. I understand that some people aren't good with serious situations, and they think jokes lighten the mood...
But I, personally, would be pissed. I've dealt with eating disorders before and I really would have been offended.
And you wouldn't even puke up a rainbow because the colors mix and make this really gross shade.
I was so sick last Halloween and ended up puking up Skittles. It hurt. :|
I'm disappointed in this actually. This is a horrible thing to say to someone, I've struggled with eating disorders and it's comments like what this friend has said that made them worse. I hope the person realizes what a horrible mistake they're making. EDs are not a joke. I can only hope the person here gets the help that they need.
Its a shame that his/her friend doesn't try to get them help for their eating disorder.
By the way, Joker and Jeff...GET LAID!
and the whole Joker thing with the scars is from Batman the Dark Night, for those of you who where unaware
Well 7:33, you would eat the skittles first if you were going to puke the rainbow at all... but not the red ones. If you do, then you can't tell if your esophagus has burst and you're puking blood. Otherwise it's helpful to eat bright foods first as a marker so you know when you've gotten it all up. Just saying.
eating disordered people don't deserve to be ridiculed. its a mental condition that stems from a predisposition to certain triggers and often as a response to anxiety and depression. It cannot be helped; this would be like saying people with cancer deserve to be ridiculed for being bald because they chose to get chemo. being "funny" doesn't mask your ignorance or immaturity. nice try though.
11:16: we all realize that (maybe not ALL of us, but I do, at least) but if we can get some laughs out of it, then at least SOME good came from it, right?
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