Who is this tool? Try Facebook nimrod. It's not sexual unless you get off on Farm-based activites.
Anyway. Truffles are better than bacon. MUSHROOOOOOM
Because pigs hunt truffles IRL? Why can't you kill the cow when you want to? Because if farmville had realistic things like this, it would be WAY too much fun, to watch the chicken REALLY run around without his head on :]
Kind regards for that 7:13... But another question my friend: by saying "harvest their crops" were you partaking in innuendo (i.e. "in her end OHHH!"), really meaning something else, or did you simply mean they were doing farm based activities.
Thanks once again, David Schulberg
Why is everyone so critical about this crap!? He obviously said it tone funny! Gosh, everyone who sits there like ugh your so stupid, YOUR THE FUCKING STUPID ONE!
as said by anonymous on October 29,2009 at 7:04am, "Truffles are worth a truffle load you moron. A kilo felches you THOUSANDS! With that kind of mulai, you could buy all the BACON you wanted fat boy" "Felches" means to eat semen out of a man or woman's asshole. Unless, of course, that's the "load" being referred to in that sentence, I think this writer is the actual "moron"
Gooooooood morning (emphasis added) fellow TFLNers!! What a glourious day it is to be alive :) . My first Q for the day is this: what is farmville? I've heard this referenced several times before but am personally unaquainted with it.
Thaaaaanks (thumbs up added), David Schulberg
Truffles are really fucking expensive mushrooms that people train pigs to find because they grow underground. and because there are too many hippies who would go batshit crazy over killing animals in a game. I'd love a farm where I could harvest veal, Kobe beef and lambchops instead of pussyass truffles.
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