7:42. Really? I must have missed that. I always thought it was Texts From Last Night, about random shit that people text, but I guess you're right, it's actually Texts That Need To Be Funny For Everyone To Get Posted. I must have been visiting the wrong site this WHOLE time. Shame on me for being so stupid!
7:15 was never in The 'Nam. I woulda smelled that chickenshit vagina 20 miles away. Back in 'Nam we stitched sweaters from tree roots and palm fronds and sent them home to our unborn children.
they're going to find her dead with that sweater on...btw/ i'm peeing my pants b/c it's my first tiem on this site and it's freaking funny as hell!!!!! CREEEPER for sure!!!!! i'd run the other way if someone stitched me a sweater that said that. next tiem he's going to stitch into her skin...
1) Sweaters are amazing.
2) That sweater would be even more amazing if he got it from Goodwill or Value Village.
3) WAKE UP CALL, BOYS! Ladies want different and random. A "girlfriend?" sweater is a million times more brilliant than dinner and a movie. Use your brains...
4) hahahaha
7:42 im pretty sure if someone showed up at your door with a sweater that asked you to go out with them...youd see the humor. i know i would. and id be totally creeped out
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