Get out of your relationship and into my pants.
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What's wrong with ut Tyler???
Haha this made me giggle inside..
this text either leads to a fucking awesome night or one hell of an awkward morning. trust me, ive experienced both
holy fucking shit i lovee this. this is my life currently.
Get out of my dreams and into my car.
These are brilliant words. I shall use them soon.
I won't post offensive material - just say this: I LOVE this - will surely use it in the future :)
Gotta find a way to use this fantastic line Probably better that I'm not single - Girls will think I'm not serious. Yeah...joking - HA HA!!!
Sarre says pay attention in college and study instead of have sex in college
never got the chance to thank you: it works, been a year yesterday :D
Boo you 7:10.. I go to ut Tyler...
How about you don't start shit, 6:41?
dude. best line ever.
bahaha. this is amazing
1:45 who says the OP is a girl? that sounds like way more of a guy line to me. pretty sure its far from controlling slut too. youre an idiot
God I am totally using this!! Love it!!
I wish my gf said this
1:45 Right, how's virginity in your thirties working out?
There's this married chick I know, totally using this on her. I think she's getting ready to get divorced, so maybe I'll get lucky :p
Love this! Totally fits my life right now!!!
If I had a nickel for every time... lol
That's how I feel with my best friend
JD this ones for u!
If someone said this to me I would lmao. It's kinda cute.
i've wanted to say this to so many guys...
That's a great line
Story of my life. If this is your life philosolphy, don't go to UT Tyler.
T shirt worthy!!!!
that is the story of my life... im a guy, but you get the point girls
Good googly moogly That thang is juicy!!
Those crazy vaginas...
It's affiliated with ut-Austin. That's what's wrong with it
I used them and they are a great conversation starter(;
Used on the right chick, at the right moment, this could be pretty epic.
i would have fucked him
9:09 You stupid ignorant cunt, it's NIGAAAAAAAA.
Yeah 7:01, do that to 6:41's sister as well. 6:41 I'll do it to you too.
Well said. I like the directness of this post. I will and yes please!
Hell yeah 7:01. Get it.
Holy motherfuck. :) this is some legit shit.
i love this , esp if the guy was hot nd ur bf was "routine "
I take it you didn't get laid with that line
Have to think about that.
No girl will fall for something as lame and blunt as this, Billy Ocean.
ahhh....a woman who knows what she wants. But if the OP does it, he is a dumb pussy. No cunt should ever tell a guy what he should or shouldn't do. Tell this controlling slut to hit the road
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