Cruel joke of nature. Hair on head runs from face, and hides on various parts of body. Aging sucks.
Hello you've reached the get a clue corp. Our business hours are from take a hint to figure it out, eastern standard time. If you prefer to leave a message, don't, call back when you're not crazy, fat, and annoying.
What are you talking about?! I shot gunned a monster while simaltaneously blowing gym boy Todd. If I'm not the poster child for being well rounded and versatile I have no idea what NYU is looking for
You slow clapped the stripper last night.
The girl that works the front desk at my gym invited me and my friend to come see her Tuesday during her shift at hooters because its her birthday. I still have a boner
She was rubbing her face on the carpet, she was high.
I can not say for certain that I did not blow someone in the bathroom at the bar at some point.
He is what would appear if the douche troop all had rings and we summoned someone like the Captain Planet kids.
Well, my family didn't see me in my drunken super slut state at Summerfest, so there must be a God.
i had a super strange, mommy/daddy issuestastic, mildly freudian, i-might-as-well-become-a-stripper-now-and-stop-fighting-the-inevitable dream last night :(
Somehow I ended up in a different costume dancing with some tree of a guy in the basement bathroom, what did you give me?
I'm sure nobody at Walmart was wondering why I was wearing a glittery tutu and needed $300 changed into small bills
My sack is cleanly shaven and the rest of my body has been manscaped. i even put aftershave on my junk. i feel sleek like a fighter jet right now.
Just escaped from the ER. Meet me at the bar in 20 minutes.
He passed out in my car.
What's the problem?