we might have left him a semi topless video on his wall. godd i just hope they suspend my accont so i stop doing thses things.....
I wish i knew how bad drinking and hieghts were before i got up here
I'll probably hate you when I'm sober
Katie is reenacting me jizzing in her eye via emoticons...
Do you know how hard it is to masturbate with a runny nose?
this weekend will be like the season finale to my life
This Casey James character from American Idol is really gonna mess up my sex life.
Or maybe the fact that you know who Casey James is will be what messes up your sex life.
Plans for halloween need to outrank Caesar, Cleopatra and Mark Antony's threesome...just saying
The van in front of me contains people having SEX. I am in full view of a SEX VAN.
Just like to put it out there it's surprising how little reception a dog cage has
The airport has the best people watching and munches... It should be a destination drinking location
Wait also totally unrelated but can horses sit down?
I just tried to picture one and I don't think they can cause I can't envision it
If she wants experimental lesbian sex, i call dibs
What's the worst that could happen? I'm already broke and my leg's already broken
My next goal in this relationship is to teach my boyfriend that there are valid reasons to be fear of dolphins completely.