So I'm banging this nun...
Isn't that how all good stories start? I like it already...
He tagged himself in all of my pictures so he would get a notification if someone commented on it.
Restraining orders are what college is about.
please promise me that no matter what happens you will keep me away from the children
If you have a glass table... Put it up. I don't wanna hurt myself again, I just got my stitches out...
direct quote from andrew "you know i can't hear when i drink whiskey"
i know. like I have the nerve to talk about poverty. I eat peanut butter out of the jar.
Not only does DQ have s'mores shakes, sonic has a hot dog in a pretzel bun, and Wendy's has a burger in a pretzel bun. Important things are happening.
I have bruises from doing the splits on the poles, if that doesn't scream bourbon street regret then I don't know what does
I was gonna turn him down, but he correctly identified a song from Pocahontas.
Somehow i instagrammed my acceptance letter while blacked out. Then my grandma was the first to comment on it. I got over 50 likes....Phd here I come....
The impromptu 'dance party' was just three white dudes flailing arrhythmically in the kitchen in absolute silence. Stone cold sober.
It was a tough decision either lay in bed or go to work and lay in the stockroom
I've never had someone have to dis-arm themselves before I sucked their dick prior to that
See I insist I'm not a groupie and then I say things like "will bang for a backstage pass".
Is it normal for a guy to send you a dick pic along with “He misses you”