he thought i was a dude.
She has 260 profile pics. In 260 she's ugly and in 255, she's making the peace sign with her hands...
How do I put "special brownies" into Weight Watchers?
Drunk lesbians having an argument about their realationship isn't as hot as I imagined.....
I didnt realize we were having a competition in poor decision making skills
how else could I explain the last few years
When he went down on me, I saw his bald spot... It completely ruined the experience
We're trying to see who can drink the most and still be eligible to donate blood tomorrow.
I like to balance the number of cups of coffee to bong rips in the morning before work.
Don't look him in the eyes, it like looking at the sun but instead of burning your retinas it makes you wet and vulnerable
Can we just talk about how I wrote out all the stuff I had to do this week and for Thursday it says "drink and cry"? ...I don't remember putting that but it sounds like something I would do
i just tried to use a string cheese as a light source
You know, part of me wants to die and the other part of me doesn't want to live
Theyll love you, its bunch of older ladies who drink whisky and sours and talk about the sex seans in Game of Throwns
I don't know. Sometimes you can be a wild card with your emotions. Mostly the emotion known as anger.
I just said "I love my cat" as a hobby.