I like my sex mixed with concussions.
Wow, this guy is harder to get rid of than gum in pubic hair
ps... at the end of one of the videos you yell "let's do the eiffel tower again.. i'll be in the middle!" .. i almost died lolol
My gift to the freshman: I made an illegal stop, rolled out and dropped to my hands and knees and puked in front of the south campus dorms and about 20 families. Welcome to OSU
My vagina is scared and excited at the same time. It might not be able to sleep tonight.
I've spent more money on drugs for bonnaroo than my actual ticket. Proudly.
He fucked a girl named Oreo... He deserved syphilis.
My usual answer of have sex with it doesn't work in this situation
So... crashing at the hot bartender's place is not a solid marital decision.
Just because he told you it was safe doesn't mean you should have licked it.
If I had a dollar for every straight boy that questioned their sexuality because of me, I would live a comfortable middle-class life.
I think pants incapable of making pants work
He had a small dick anyway. I'm glad I barfed on it.
What's that? Is there a bottle of Jack calling me? I think so...
I want to meet people. Preferably ones with penises