Did you read the article making fun of the right wing extremists? How they organized this 'tea party', and to propagate it they would mail teabags to their senators? And it became a verb...they had posters saying 'teabag obama!' yeah...
A message to Mrs Obama perhaps?
Who was more unwelcome: The two of us at the party last night, or Kimmy Gibler at the Tanner residence?
so...he totally just used scissors to cut up the weed. a wet paper towel to moisten the blunt....and a blow dryer so it wouldn't be wet. this dude either has the worst case of OCD or has the potential to be the next martha stewart.
I woke up alone at my apt. On the floor with the door wide open, but still. Success.
I want a nosebag of coke after my exam. Like what horses have. Coked up horses. No excuses. I love you.
Didn't get the job. Searched for my references on FB and saw the pic of me weighing my head passed out.
The cops busted down the door and everyone ran. I was just trying to find my shirt before I got arrested
The drunk mom in a firefighter hat just told her to leave.
He's holding a pee stick. Yes it's weird.
Yes. Life would be much easier if we had penises & could do whatever the fuck we want.
There's a bull to ride and dancing on the bar is encouraged. This is my heaven. And this is why god made leopard tube tops.
His beard looks like it smells like beer, cocaine and old pussy juice
Literally been in their house 5 minutes and I've projectile vomited all over the bathroom wall. The dog licked it up though so I think it's cool.
Wanna get business drunk and go play golf?
You were yelling at them from the passenger seat saying you wanted your chicken for free because they couldn't prove it was from kentucky