Women have needs too. I've had sex on first date and continued dating the guy for a year. Ive had other relationships, 6 months and never had sex. Just depends on how long it's been, how bad u want it, and the chemistry
fuck all you guys who think girls are whores for fucking on the first day. if so, your as much of one for fucking us! oh and btw, we know very well no one really gives a shit whether you're a 'stud' or you got 'game'. you're a fuck buddy and as soon as you 'let' us fuck you on the first date, you are also no longer boyfriend material. fuckers, and your double standards, i'll fuck who i want, when i want.
I slept with my ex gf on the first night. A year in find out she was a slut. Wont be making that mistake again....\nAnd 11:41 deal with it. To get laid a man has to work really hard. A woman just has to be there. Also women only ever fuck 'bad boys'. I used to be a nice guy but i dont give a shit anymore I do what I want.
I love how it's "immoral" and "slutty" etc. for the chick to "let" the guy fuck her on the first date...
Here's a thought: DON'T if you think it's so wrong
Oh but you're just a horny guy?
And girls aren't allowed to be? Lol your wife is going to be really boring if you judge her by these impossible double standard
I dunno, I generally think how the date goes matters more than if she puts out by the end of the night or not.
Call me crazy, but if the girl is fun and smart then I'll call her for date number two, regardless if we have sex or not on the first date.
So it's probably something wrong with the date, not the sex
(913) Women have the same right to pursue their sexual interets as men do, regardless of which date it is....first or third. M/F sexual Double standards are crutches guys use to make themselves feel "studly". I outgrew that when i was about 17. No reason a man & woman shouldn't enjoy each other sexuallt on the first date if they're mutually attracted. It's also a good way to get some idea if the 2 of you could be good together or not.
9:11 the reason you and the OP have this problem is because you are both whores. No guy wants to be with a chick that spread eagles on the very first date because it shows that 1. you have no morals 2. you have no self control and 3. you have no self respect. If I was that date that you fucked the first night, I would think "damn, how many other guys has she let run up in her so quickly?" ..... if its easy and not a challenge, then it isn't worth shit
All you 'studs' and guys who have 'game' wouldn't be that way if girls didnt put out to you. If every girl waited, you wouldn't have anyone to practice with! No one to practice with = not being a stud or having game! Stupid. double standard morons! STFU and be glad and grateful a girl is willing to put out to you.
haha love this...i have the same problem honey. a good tip is don't drink on the first few dates cuz it just makes u hornier and willing. and sure, us girls can wait 3-4 dates before we fuck. but the funny thing is, we're still the same "whores" who guys claim we are had waited just 1 date. we just decided to play "innocent" on this particular occasion!
Life is full of double standards so get over it... if you want to have sex on the first date fine but don't be shocked when you are classified as a whore for doing so.
Listen....here is how it works. It's frowned upon for girls to be whores. U can get dick any night u want by just being willing, and could lay there like addax fish if u choose. It takes no effort. Therefore it's wrong. It is ok for a guy to do it however, because we have to spit our game at you, have some money, a car, jobs , and still be the ones who do most of the work when we fuck you. So it is ok for a guy to be a stud
Probably because you like random dick... That doesn't make you a whore, that's just what gets you off, we men do it all the time..... Hooray for easy chicks!!
11:34 and 11:35 that's gotta be one of the stupidest things Ive ever heard.
You go out there and work hard at bein a stud.
Us lazy broads will just tan, work out, get our hair done, get our nails done, put on make up, whiten our teeth, shave or wax or whatnot, and whatever else chicks do to look good.
Yeah we could sleep with any fat slob but we need to be attractive to actually sleep with someone we WANT to sleep with.
The OP is funny tho.
OMG i have the same problem! you want him to take you seriously, but you really wanna have sex with him the same night. eh, you win some, you lose some.
what is funny to me is how most of you people think that just because a woman does not sleep with alot of guys that she is boring or bad at sex. And just because a chick is a whore does not mean she knows what she is doing and is great at it. Think about it, if the whore was really THAT great, why is she only getting one date with these guys then never hears from them again?? if she was that great, wouldnt they keep wanting to see her to get their jollies off?? think people!!
Ever think that maybe all of the one-night hang-and-bangs are cause you are attracted to guys that go to bars JUST to find a lay for the night?
I'm just sayin...
I personally find that attractive in a woman. Straight forward and to the point. No beating around the bush, sorry no couldn't help myself. (whispers..call me)
The only girls who get offended by anything guys say are the ones who suck dick randomly, and fuck on the first date. That's cool be mad cause the ones who aren't are the ones guys wanna marry and have families with. You are the ones we just want to bust a load on. I feel bad for whoever marries those women
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