Ps what kind of horrible ppl are we that we both checked blackberries during sex and neither minded?
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You're from DC, it is expected there.
Only in DC would this happen. Typical.
Aaawwwww, true love.
Why even have sex just do sexting. Pffff.
hey if neither minds, it's a good night
7:22 i believe the correct terminology is crackberry. and yes, this whole thing is rather depressing. Phones more interesting than sex? yeah right.
Try having sex and picking up the phone while your mother calls you :)
must have been awful sex
thats awesome though
you both are equally bad in bed which is sad but you deserve each other
must have been awful sex to want to stop and look at your phone
kids are more obsessed with phones than sex. finally happened. texting is the world.
I don't think it means you're horrible people, it just means you both have bad sex.
Yeah, not horrible people...just horrible in bed.
phone addicts...ive done it lol
the fact that you refer to them as 'blackberries' instead of 'phones' and need a distraction in bed makes you, indeed a horrible person, and an idiot.
must have been boring ass sex if you're checking your freaking blackberry. 1:19 is right. you should have stuck it up your ass.
fucking awesome if yall went back for more..... that's fucking HOT!!!
should have checked how the vibrations felt in your anal cavity
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