I definitely didn't wake up this morning thinking "i wanna get gang banged today"
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What do 9 out of 10 people enjoy? A gang bang. Think about it.
No, some women like gang bangs. The correct punchline is "gang r@pe". Think about it.
I wake up thinking that every day!
But yet you did, or will.
Fake! They don't let you text from prison.
Well then maybe u shld set higher goals for yourself...haaaa
Getting gang-banged is one of my sexual fantasy's. :$
oh really now? what area code are you in?
iam in lol
None of us do but I like to consider it the cherry on top of my day.
And yet your daddy issues compelled you to it. Happy father's day.
I call her bum!!!
Why should today be different?
That's an odd first thought. Lmao.
None of us do but I like to consider the cherry on top of my day.
@ cheeerleaderrr - how many guys would you like to gang bang you?
I wake up thinking that everyday.
Maskedman's comment wins
I don't think many people do. Lol
No one ever does.
Maskedman is funny
Gang bang .. Yeah !!
Maybe you should keep that in mind a lil more often
Wowwww lol that's funny shit
Did you?
Maybe the person was invited to join one
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