Let's make jello shots for tomorrow
What's going on tomorrow?
Nothing, it's Wednesday
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Wasted wednesday!
That's what I'm talkin bout!
Jello shots are delicious :)
I have a feeling I know who this is...... I live in KoCo KS too.... Jello shots are pretty common with my friends and this sounds like something they would do
Kansas city!!!!!
Haha I just made some yesterday, Tuesday. Lemon Jello with Sweet Tea Vodka. Try it it's good.
Celebrate the little things in life
I miss college.
Wasted Wack-Off Day!
Don't ya just love Wednesdays
Wednesday Whiskey sour Egg nog Daiquiri Nutty irishmen El presidente Salty dog Dive bomb Alica cocktail Yellow Russian
yeah kansas.... reppin'
In mother Russia jello make u!
o how wasted i was last night. :)
This would be funnier if the "nothing, it's Wednesday" response was said in sarcasm because it was st. Paddys day.
Helllllllllo happy hump day! Reason enough to celebrate every Wednesday!
Your cool
"you're cool" sorry i just hate that!
I mean, seriously fuck wednesday.
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