Is this a you realize she's an attractive young female kinda sexy or a you're obviously hitting on her and want to bang her kinda sexy. The first one happens to everyone and the second one is not understanding the boundaries of being a fucking creep.
9:07 What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
907, no ones jealous sweetheart...women can get dick anytime they want
men arent too smar t when it co mes to sex, as you have so kindly demonstrated...pussy obviously controls you
in some states age of consent is 16. in NY its 17. i hear its only 14 in canada. those creepers up there with their hockey sticks, curling brooms, and maple syrup.
8:49 "and everythings better sexually. "
coming from someone with either A) no sexual relations with an adult B) a total virgin C) a virgin who blew their first go at sex with an adult and is rendered delusional/bitter.
3:50 There is a huge difference between sexually mature and emotionally mature. In any case he's married and while he can look there is no touching (unless its an open marriage, in which case look outside the family, including family by marriage.)
There are so many weird people reading this shit. It's natural that you'd recognize her as being an attractive young lady....but control yourself, man!! Just leave it at that - it's ultimately disgusting and really not worth it. Do you have kids??
Wow my wife has a super sexy 16 year old niece and she has a huge crush on me I tell my wife when she turns 18 I'm trading. It got me slapped a couple times and my wifes actually told her niece to stop tryin to rub me and to stop flirting with me.
@9:02 I'm glad to see that my country projects such a good image.. Curling brooms wow.
Anyway, it wouldn't make any sense if the legal age of conscent was 17, the majority being 18 (in my province anyway). It's four years of difference between age of conscent and majority, just like in most states.
8:54 Most people are not monogamous. The only reason it seems like men are less so is because of socialization. Don't talk all high and mighty if you think gender actually affects whether a person is capable of monogamy or not.
Its not a problem If your in canadaland. Age of consent is 16. 16 year olds can fuck whoever they wanna as long as its not up the ass. you have to be 18 for that.
1201, wrong...girls today get their periods earlier than they used to...they already got them early back then bc life expectancy was short but now bc society and men pressure them to rush into sex just for the sake of fucking, the age of puberty has gone down
yes it is a problem. but if you're a middle aged chic who likes taylor lautner that's perfectly fine. and at all the people taking shots at nebraska, take a long hard look at the people in your state by simply going to your local walmart, you'll notice, your state probably isnt as superior to nebraska as you think
No, but it will be a problem if you tell her. Most likely she thinks you're an old perv.
Why would a 16 year old want to be with an old man when there are plenty of hot young guys?
16 is a sexually mature age. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to a 16 year old, especially in this day and age when teenage girls dress to get attention.
Also, 16 is the age of of consent in many states. As long as he doesn't take any pictures, assuming he's in one of those states, he won't be in any legal trouble. X
He didn't say "Is it a problem if I bone my wifes 16 year old niece?" why are you overreacting? 16 year olds can be sexy...and they know when they are. It's not like he said 11 year old.
At all the people who are saying "don't you realize she's your niece too?" the phrasing was probably meant to indicate that she's his girlfriend's sibling's kid. As in, not a blood relative of his. That said, you probably can't fuck her without your wife finding out. I feel your pain though. My girlfriend's sister is really hot.
YES. Unless [and this is quite possibly the only case] you are one of those people who got married really young and is only like 20. Even then, thinking your wife's niece [thus making her YOUR niece] is sexy is JUST PLAIN WRONG.
Of course it's wrong, what's ok is being a 40 something mom who loves Taylor Lautner. And people need to shut up about Nebraska, because a trip to your local Walmart would show you that you're state's not as far ahead as you might think.
Look don't touch. As long as you go by that motto it's not a problem. If someone is sexy to you, they're sexy to you. It doesn't make you a creep because you're older and married to their Aunt. But don't hit on and be suggestive. Then that's a little uncomfortable.
It's not that she is 16, that's weird, but okay. It's that she's YOUR NIECE! You should be taking her to ball games and giving her boyfriend the third degree at family functions, not ogling her. @ 8:32, you're awesome
Why's that sick he said he wad attracted to her not that he did something with her. If sixteen tear old girls are hot when your sixteen why aren't they still hot when you turn 18
The OP is from Texas where the age of consent is 17. Point settled.
From a legal standpoint, wait one more year and go for it, man. I can't judge you. If you're atheist you don't have to worry about the repercussions from cheating/divorce either.
Good Luck!
This is the reason why everyone in the United States has a stereotype that Nebraska is full of racists, hicks, in-breeders and child molesters. You are at least the later if not all of the above. World would be a better place without you and people like you.
no youre a guy, thats normal, biological...all men are disgusting
and attracted to young girls, the younger they start developing and trying to look like whores the more men will be attracted to them
its sad that men have no control whatsoever that they are attracted to 14 year olds when there are perfectly attractive 20, 30 and 40 year old females
Yes, yes it is. Just keep fucking your wife; if you find her niece hot, just look for the family resemblance.
11:13 (2): You must be one of those virgins who watches a lot of porn. Only people who are consciously or subconsciously insecure with their sexuality or sexual prowess brag about their bedroom (or stairwell) exploits randomly to strangers on TFLN.
Also I am 19 and STILL wouldn't want my creepy ass uncle macking on me. That's some Jerry Springer shit. Also I don't know how this whole gender thing got started but it would be equally as creepy for a woman to try and get with her 16 year old nephew ok people. Men and women are equal in their ability to be disgusting creepers.
no, because plenty of 16 year old girls find older men attractive or even fuck them. there's nothing wrong with fucking an older guy as long as he's no older than 35.
911, you are correct if you are talking about the true definition of the other sense of the word, i know both men and women cheat, but once again its biological for a man to cheat...if a woman is in a secure relationship, she would feel no need however still have the urge to fuck as many women as possible
Thinking she's sexy, no problem. My 16 year old sister-in-law is hot. So much changes from 16 until 18. Sure. Just don't make a move unless you get a divorce and she's legal. Pervert?I think not.
844, picture of a 16 year old girl in lingerie..what guy is going to deny that he wouldnt fuck her? especially if he doesnt know her i said its not hard, its biology
women need to stop being so naive and thinking that men want to be monogamous
You need to spend your time helping her realize that there are plenty of guys who think as sick as you and that she needs to be careful around you TLFN trolling perverts.
I was that 16 year old. Actually, it began when I was 13. I love getting attention from married men. And before everyone jumps down my throat about not being functional... save it. It's fun and it happens. If this 16 year old flirts back go for it. She wants it.
12:19, Im curious as to why you are worried about others sex life. Apparently you have not one of your own. I could care less whether you believe me or not, because regardless it happened. I basically feel sorry for you, because with that statement you verified that you could never imagine something like that happening to you. It does happen, it will continue to happen, and it is happening right now. Unfortunately you are not included in any of those timelines. So Sad.
No, that's just how you built as a human. I meant seriously? No blood relation, and she's 16... When you were 16 you thought 16 yr old girls were hot. Nothing is goin to change when your older. What's wrong is if you act on it.
You old ladys are jealous your loose pussy and willingness to be a whore don't make you better. Your never goin to be young again get it and with you wrinkled pussy you can't be my lover.
I would start banging her don't tell no one and be careful from my personal expierence they get super clingy at that age and think your goin to marry them but there's nothin sexier than a beutiful pure 16 year old and everythings better sexually.
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